Bug #231 mysql test gis failure on Mandrake 9.1
Submitted: 4 Apr 2003 20:33 Modified: 5 Apr 2003 4:28
Reporter: Mark Gordon Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version: OS:Linux (Mandrake Linux 9.1)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[4 Apr 2003 20:33] Mark Gordon
   >> Error at line 145: Result length mismatch<< 
Below are the diffs between actual and expected results: 
*** r/gis.result        2003-04-05 05:46:23.000000000 +0300 
--- r/gis.reject        2003-04-05 07:06:43.000000000 +0300 
*** 268,281 **** 
  107   0 
  SELECT fid, AsText(Centroid(g)) FROM p; 
  fid   AsText(Centroid(g)) 
! 108   POINT(15 15) 
! 109   POINT(25.416666666667 25.416666666667) 
! 110   POINT(20 10) 
  SELECT fid, Area(g) FROM p; 
  fid   Area(g) 
! 108   100 
! 109   2400 
! 110   450 
  SELECT fid, AsText(ExteriorRing(g)) FROM p; 
  fid   AsText(ExteriorRing(g)) 
  108   LINESTRING(10 10,20 10,20 20,10 20,10 10) 
--- 268,281 ---- 
  107   0 
  SELECT fid, AsText(Centroid(g)) FROM p; 
  fid   AsText(Centroid(g)) 
! 108   POINT(918648844.5 12.5) 
! 109   POINT(1020720950.8333 26.388888888889) 
! 110   POINT(1224865129.3333 10) 
  SELECT fid, Area(g) FROM p; 
  fid   Area(g) 
! 108   250 
! 109   2250 
! 110   900 
  SELECT fid, AsText(ExteriorRing(g)) FROM p; 
  fid   AsText(ExteriorRing(g)) 
  108   LINESTRING(10 10,20 10,20 20,10 20,10 10) 
*** 298,311 **** 
  116   0 
  SELECT fid, AsText(Centroid(g)) FROM mp; 
  fid   AsText(Centroid(g)) 
! 117   POINT(55.588527753042 17.426536064114) 
! 118   POINT(55.588527753042 17.426536064114) 
  119   POINT(2 2) 
  SELECT fid, Area(g) FROM mp; 
  fid   Area(g) 
! 117   1684.5 
! 118   1684.5 
! 119   4.5 
  SELECT fid, NumGeometries(g) from mpt; 
  fid   NumGeometries(g) 
  111   4 
--- 298,311 ---- 
  116   0 
  SELECT fid, AsText(Centroid(g)) FROM mp; 
  fid   AsText(Centroid(g)) 
! 117   POINT(66.718330541059 14.514713170326) 
! 118   POINT(66.747299205649 14.507037025514) 
  119   POINT(2 2) 
  SELECT fid, Area(g) FROM mp; 
  fid   Area(g) 
! 117   2402.1931152344 
! 118   1756.5 
! 119   31.5 
  SELECT fid, NumGeometries(g) from mpt; 
  fid   NumGeometries(g) 
  111   4 

How to repeat:
[5 Apr 2003 4:28] MySQL Verification Team
Fixed Changeset 1.1525.1.1 2003/04/03