Bug #23027 Mysql deadlock
Submitted: 5 Oct 2006 19:00 Modified: 14 Jan 2007 19:54
Reporter: Cyrille Delaunay Email Updates:
Status: No Feedback Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:4.1.21 OS:Linux (Linux)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: deadlock, linux

[5 Oct 2006 19:00] Cyrille Delaunay
At some point mysql deadlock and my current connected threads are locked for ever in the showprocess list. This lock the replication too.

This happened twince in the last week. And to restart the mysql server I have to Kill -9 the mysql process then restart the server.

When this occured, I have no info at all in the Mysql logs, neither in Linux logs.
The query in the "how to repeat" section if issued very often, but for a reason or another at some point this lock the mysql process.

Here is the output of the show processlist when mysql deadlocked.
mysql> show processlist;
| Id   | User        | Host                      | db      | Command | Time   | State                            | Info                                                                                                 |
|    1 | system user |                           | NULL    | Connect | 389478 | Waiting for master to send event | NULL                                                                                                 |
|    2 | system user |                           | cohlive | Connect |   9140 | update                           | INSERT INTO
        TeamID = 33194, gametype = 1, race = 1, wins = 0 |
|    7 | cohlive     | ls09:4087 | cohlive | Query   |   9144 | Sending data                     | SELECT
        CPS.gametype, CPS.race, CPS.wins, CPS.loses, CPS.streak, CPS.drops, CPS.rating, CPS.l |
|    8 | cohlive     | ls09:4095 | cohlive | Query   |   9138 | Sending data                     | SELECT
        CPS.gametype, CPS.race, CPS.wins, CPS.loses, CPS.streak, CPS.drops, CPS.rating, CPS.l |
|    9 | cohlive     | ls09:4103 | cohlive | Query   |   9140 | Sending data                     | SELECT
        CPS.gametype, CPS.race, CPS.wins, CPS.loses, CPS.streak, CPS.drops, CPS.rating, CPS.l |
|   10 | cohlive     | ls10:3764 | cohlive | Query   |   9140 | Sending data                     | SELECT
        CPS.gametype, CPS.race, CPS.wins, CPS.loses, CPS.streak, CPS.drops, CPS.rating, CPS.l |
|   11 | cohlive     | ls09:4111 | cohlive | Query   |   9137 | Sending data                     | SELECT
        CPS.gametype, CPS.race, CPS.wins, CPS.loses, CPS.streak, CPS.drops, CPS.rating, CPS.l |
|   12 | cohlive     | ls10:3772 | cohlive | Query   |   9128 | Sending data                     | SELECT
        CPS.gametype, CPS.race, CPS.wins, CPS.loses, CPS.streak, CPS.drops, CPS.rating, CPS.l |
|   13 | cohlive     | ls10:3773 | cohlive | Query   |   9133 | Sending data                     | SELECT
        CPS.gametype, CPS.race, CPS.wins, CPS.loses, CPS.streak, CPS.drops, CPS.rating, CPS.l |
|   14 | cohlive     | ls11:4981 | cohlive | Query   |   9138 | Sending data                     | SELECT
        CPS.gametype, CPS.race, CPS.wins, CPS.loses, CPS.streak, CPS.drops, CPS.rating, CPS.l |
|   16 | cohlive     | ls11:4989 | cohlive | Query   |   9140 | Sending data                     | SELECT
        CPS.gametype, CPS.race, CPS.wins, CPS.loses, CPS.streak, CPS.drops, CPS.rating, CPS.l |
|   17 | cohlive     | ls10:3781 | cohlive | Query   |   9133 | Sending data                     | SELECT
        CPS.gametype, CPS.race, CPS.wins, CPS.loses, CPS.streak, CPS.drops, CPS.rating, CPS.l |
|  619 | cohlive     | ls08:2771 | cohlive | Query   |   9133 | Sending data                     | SELECT
        CPS.gametype, CPS.race, CPS.wins, CPS.loses, CPS.streak, CPS.drops, CPS.rating, CPS.l |
|  620 | cohlive     | ls08:2781 | cohlive | Query   |   9133 | Sending data                     | SELECT
        CPS.gametype, CPS.race, CPS.wins, CPS.loses, CPS.streak, CPS.drops, CPS.rating, CPS.l |
| 1320 | root        | localhost                 | NULL    | Query   |      0 | NULL                             | show processlist                                                                                     |
15 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Thanks for your help

How to repeat:
I'm not sure how to reproduce this but running this query very often with multiple thread could be the way to reproduce this.

Here is the query:
        CPS.gametype, CPS.race, CPS.wins, CPS.loses, CPS.streak, CPS.drops, CPS.rating, CPS.lastUpdated, CPS.teamID,

            SELECT COUNT(*) FROM COH_PlayerStats CPS2 WHERE CPS2.race = CPS.race AND CPS2.gametype = CPS.gametype
        ) as totalCount,

                COH_PlayerStats CPS3
                CPS3.race = CPS.race
                AND CPS3.gametype = CPS.gametype
                AND (
                    CPS3.rating > CPS.rating
                    OR (
                        CPS3.rating = CPS.rating
                            CPS3.lastUpdated > CPS.lastUpdated
                            OR (
                                CPS3.lastUpdated = CPS.lastUpdated
                                AND CPS3.TeamID < CPS.TeamID
        ) as rankingCount,


                RP.personalTeamID, RP.id
                RelicProfile RP
                RP.personalTeamID IS NOT NULL AND RP.id IN (47201, 44540, 29297, 37189, 41439, 39255, 45490, 47145, 34595, 47020, 47066, 47185, 40294, 47147, 34067, 39816, 47126, 30076, 39468, 42662, 43141, 45164, 45035, 42481, 42788, 47151, 47081, 43153, 45290, 45536, 45907, 45281, 39889, 47198, 37732, 46794, 46239, 43210, 37051, 27857, 33751, 46890, 29755, 45501, 5549, 43609, 42514, 39680, 47089, 31969, 9260, 47109, 28644, 42627, 47056, 47087, 40311, 47205, 44777, 46242, 44602, 47206, 46334, 47196, 46814, 37467, 47142, 40702, 20210, 10187, 47158, 35846, 29923, 41217, 43024, 34931, 40365, 30499)
        ) RP
        JOIN COH_PlayerStats CPS ON CPS.TeamID = RP.personalTeamID

        CPS.gametype <> 0
        RP.id ASC,
        CPS.rating DESC,
        CPS.lastUpdated DESC,
        CPS.wins DESC,
        CPS.loses ASC,
        CPS.streak ASC,
        CPS.race ASC,
        CPS.gametype ASC;
[7 Oct 2006 12:37] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for a problem report. Please, send your my.cnf content, SHOW CREATE TABLE and SHOW TABLE STATUS results for all the tables in your query.
[9 Oct 2006 8:15] Valeriy Kravchuk
Send the information I asked about in my previous comment, please.
[11 Oct 2006 12:25] Cyrille Delaunay
I did it, I put the information in file attachement. Because this don't fit in the  description box.
[20 Oct 2006 18:26] Cyrille Delaunay

Can I have any feedback on this please ? One week and no word on this...

Thank you.
[24 Nov 2006 13:01] Valeriy Kravchuk
Sorry for a delay with this bug report. As you have MyISAM tables, threading library may be a problem here. Please, send the results of:

uname -a
[24 Nov 2006 13:27] Cyrille Delaunay
# uname -a
Linux ldb15.quazalnet.local 2.6.9-42.0.2.ELsmp #1 SMP Wed Aug 23 13:38:27 BST 2006 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
NPTL 2.3.4
glibc 2.3.4
[14 Dec 2006 19:54] Valeriy Kravchuk
Please, try to repeat with a newer version, 4.1.22, and inform about the results.
[15 Jan 2007 0:00] Bugs System
No feedback was provided for this bug for over a month, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to "Open".