Bug #22539 Server - wrong port shown in URL when not using std 8080 (br 1535)
Submitted: 21 Sep 2006 7:45 Modified: 26 Oct 2006 22:13
Reporter: Carsten Segieth Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Installing Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:0.6.19 OS:Linux (Suse 9.3)
Assigned to: Keith Russell CPU Architecture:Any

[21 Sep 2006 7:45] Carsten Segieth
I installed a 2nd version of the Service Manager on the same box and therefore I needed to use all different ports for the 2nd install, e.g. 8019 instead of the default 8080. 

The installation works fine, except that one needs to remember to change the shown port 8080 during in the browser based config (on page  http://localhost:8819/index.php/setup/?action=network_config) to the changed one.

Set to S2 because I think that problems during install/config lead to frustration and not needed support requests.

How to repeat:
install with BitRock installer and use different ports than the defaults

Suggested fix:
- show the port used during the Bitrock setup in the browser config
- perhaps change the shown text on this page, as the current "If the Dashboard and the Management Server run on the same server, keep the defaults and continue." is wrong when not using the defaults. Add something like "... if the default port has been used ...".
[26 Oct 2006 22:13] Carsten Segieth
closed, as this no longer happens - we no longer have the browser based setup part.