If you call NdbOperation::equal() for example with a 20-character VARCHAR, when the column is defined as VARCHAR(16), and then call tx->execute(), the execute call will hang for 6 minutes before returning an empty result. I tested this on Mac OS X but I think it also effects other OSes.
(This looks like a duplicate of some other issues, but those are reported as fixed before 5.0.20)
How to repeat:
Here is my basic test code for this (you will need to create a table and try a too-long varchar case)
#include <cstdlib>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "NdbApi.hpp"
int main() {
Ndb *db;
const NdbDictionary::Dictionary *dict;
const NdbDictionary::Table *tab;
const NdbDictionary::Index *idx;
NdbTransaction *tx;
NdbIndexOperation *op;
NdbRecAttr *result_cols[4];
char name[255];
char *s;
size_t l;
char *connect_string = "";
char *my_table = "table4";
char *my_index = "name$unique";
char my_search_param[255];
my_search_param[0] = 5;
strcpy( my_search_param + 1, "allen");
printf("search on: '%s'\n", my_search_param);
Ndb_cluster_connection conn(connect_string);
conn.wait_until_ready(20, 0);
db = new Ndb( & conn);
dict = db->getDictionary();
tab = dict->getTable(my_table);
idx = dict->getIndex(my_index , my_table);
tx = db->startTransaction();
if(!tx) puts(db->getNdbError().message);
op = tx->getNdbIndexOperation(idx);
if(!op) puts(db->getNdbError().message);
printf("table: %s \n", op->getTableName());
op->equal("name", (const char *) my_search_param);
result_cols[0] = op->getValue("i",0);
result_cols[1] = op->getValue("j",0);
result_cols[2] = op->getValue("name",0);
if(! result_cols[2]) puts("op->getValue failed.\n");
if(tx->execute( NdbTransaction::NoCommit,
NdbTransaction::AbortOnError, 1))
l = (size_t) *(result_cols[2]->aRef());
s = (result_cols[2]->aRef() + 1);
printf("len: %lu, string: %s \n", l, s);
strncpy(name, s, l);
name[l] = 0;
printf("RESULTS: %d %d %s \n", result_cols[0]->int32_value(),
result_cols[1]->int32_value(), name);
delete db;
return 0;