Bug #2249 Signal 11 Running Join Query
Submitted: 1 Jan 2004 13:33 Modified: 2 Jan 2004 6:39
Reporter: Peter Krawetzky Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:4.1.0-alpha OS:Linux (Linux Redhat 8.0)
Assigned to: Dean Ellis CPU Architecture:Any

[1 Jan 2004 13:33] Peter Krawetzky
I am receiving a signal 11 with a dump in the log file for the following query:
SELECT dept_id,
                 if (month(a.INCIDENT_DATE) = '11',sum(points),0) as pointsnov,
                 if (month(a.INCIDENT_DATE) = '12',SUM(POINTS),0) AS pointsdec
FROM attendance_respond b left outer join nfirs_1abcde a on
            a.incident_no = b.incident_no
    and a.fdid = b.fdid
    and a.station = b.station
group by b.dept_id

If I replace the group by clause with group by b.incident_date then it works fine.

How to repeat:
See above

Suggested fix:
[1 Jan 2004 13:38] Peter Krawetzky
mysqld log file

Attachment: mysqld.log (application/octet-stream, text), 159.18 KiB.

[1 Jan 2004 13:52] Peter Krawetzky
I added an order by on the dept_id and the query worked.  Not sure why it won't work without it.
[2 Jan 2004 6:39] Dean Ellis
I cannot repeat this using 4.1.2.  As 4.1.0 is many months old; you should try with a current release.
[2 Jan 2004 18:16] Peter Krawetzky
Bug #2251 seesm to fix this problem.  When the query was rewritten per the suggestion in that bug, the Signal 11's no longer occurred.  The latest release on your website is 4.1.1 and I will upgrade to this level at some point.  Thanks!