Bug #22419 Options→Select the section to edit (of my.cnf)→Cancel, and Options does not work
Submitted: 16 Sep 2006 20:57 Modified: 12 Mar 2007 15:51
Reporter: Cezary Okupski Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Administrator Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:1.2.3 rc, 1.2.8ga, 1.2.10, 1.2.10ga OS:MacOS (Mac OS X)
Assigned to: Vladimir Kolesnikov CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: client, my.cnf, mysqld, mysqldump, Options, qc, section

[16 Sep 2006 20:57] Cezary Okupski
When I click "Options" in the top menu of MySQL Administrator, the program asks which section of my "my.cnf" I would like to edit. There is a select: "mysqld" and "mysqldump". If I click cancel, the icon "Options" stops working till the program's restart. To be more precise "Options" becomes an empty page with a disabled select at the top, string "No file open." in the bottom-left corner, disabled "Discard changes" and "Save" buttons.

My my.cnf looks like this:




What's more, I do not see much opportunity of changing currently edited section once I choose one.

How to repeat:
Run MySQL Administrator
Choose "Options"
Click "Cancel"
[28 Sep 2006 9:03] Vladimir Kolesnikov
Cancel button was removed. "mysqld" section is pre-selected in the drop-box by default, so one can simply press OK, to avoid extra action.
[2 Jan 2007 13:48] Cezary Okupski
One can still click window's quit button in the top left corner or press escape to repeat that bug. It would be nice to prompt on every choice in the menu.
[4 Mar 2007 8:24] Valeriy Kravchuk
Please, try to repeat with a newer version, 1.2.10, and inform about the results.
[5 Mar 2007 12:32] Cezary Okupski
Problem still exists when using [Esc] or quit button.
[9 Mar 2007 7:33] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the report.

Seems interface has changed since 1.2.3rc: there is no mysqld or mysqldump option in current version. Also I can not repeat issue using information provided in the initial post. Please, describe step-by-step actions you do with current version of MySQL Administrator to repeat the bug.
[10 Mar 2007 13:18] Cezary Okupski
It is very probable that I edited my /etc/my.cnf manually to create the mentioned sections. You could do it too - without Administrator, just with a text editor. It still looks the same as in my initial bug report and Administrator 1.2.10ga still prompts too few times for choosing a section.

1) edit your my.cnf manually to have [mysqld] and [mysqldump]. I don't know how it is with remote servers. I've got MySQL server on the same computer as I run Administrator

2) open Administrator

3) click Options - "Open Configuration File" prompt apears. To depict it:
<label for="section">Select the section to edit:</label>
<select id="section">
<label for="contents">File Contents:</label>
<textarea id="contents" readonly="readonly">



4a) Press [Esc]

4b) Click window quit button in the top left corner

4c) Or even follow your intuition and click (OK)

In the first two cases you won't be able to change anything later. In the last case you won't be able to change your mind, go back and change the section.
[12 Mar 2007 10:20] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the report.

4a) and 4b) are verified as described.

After select "mysqldump" as described in 4c) I can edit mysqld options and not mysqldump options.
[12 Mar 2007 15:51] Vladimir Kolesnikov
Thank you for your bug report. This issue has been committed to our source repository of that product and will be incorporated into the next release.

If necessary, you can access the source repository and build the latest available version, including the bug fix. More information about accessing the source trees is available at
