Bug #22373 BitRock agent installer includes unnecessary items files (br 1716)
Submitted: 15 Sep 2006 1:00 Modified: 19 Oct 2006 15:11
Reporter: Andy Bang Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Installing Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:0.6.27 OS:Windows (Windows XP)
Assigned to: Keith Russell CPU Architecture:Any

[15 Sep 2006 1:00] Andy Bang
The BitRock installer includes all the items files:


It also references them in the INI file:

item-files = items-variables-mysql-5.0.11.xml;items-status-mysql-5.0.11.xml;items-slavestatus-mysql-4.1.6.xml;items-os.xml;items-mysql-network.xml

I believe that only items-mysql-network.xml is needed and the others aren't, but check with Jan to be sure.

Note that this probably applies to all operating systems and not just Windows.

How to repeat:
Install using the BitRock installer.

Suggested fix:
1) Don't install any items files that aren't needed.
2) Only reference the needed and installed files in the INI file.
3) Make sure we do this on all platforms.
[2 Oct 2006 13:45] Carsten Segieth
after installing 0.6.27 on Windows into a clean dir there are 5 .xml files installed, although there are only 2 mentioned in the 'item-files' value (item-files = items-slavestatus-mysql-4.1.6.xml;items-mysql-network.xml):

2006-09-30  01.38   4.984 items-mysql-network.xml
2006-09-30  01.38   2.267 items-os.xml
2006-09-30  01.38   7.233 items-slavestatus-mysql-4.1.6.xml
2006-09-30  01.38  47.301 items-status-mysql-5.0.11.xml
2006-09-30  01.38  45.276 items-variables-mysql-5.0.11.xml
[19 Oct 2006 14:45] Keith Russell
Reported as corrected by Bitrock in build versions >= 7.5
[19 Oct 2006 15:11] Carsten Segieth
tested OK with 0.7.5 on Windows.