I have a master & slave running on Linux/Suse. Master has a MySQL 5.0.18 installation, slave 5.0.24a. Slave complains about a syntax error during replication:
060911 12:23:41 [ERROR] Slave: Error 'You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ê·€õ·@' at line 1' on query. Default database: 'pdg'. Query: 'insert into job (controlflow, active, createtime, priority, archived, labelid, submitterid) values ( NAME_CONST('job_properties',Tê·€õ·@', Error_code: 1064
The complete bogus query, as generated from a stored procedure call, is shown in the mysqlbinlog of the master:
#060911 12:23:41 server id 1 end_log_pos 601 Query thread_id=4998 exec_time=0 error_code=0
SET TIMESTAMP=1157970221;
insert into job (controlflow, active, createtime, priority, archived, labelid, submitterid) values ( NAME_CONST('job_properties',Tê·€õ·@ ÀŒW² €0²(ŒW²ôŽ`W²œÛ@ @ àŽW²€0²ŒW²Aw¨Â (ŒW²Aw_latin1'#Mon Sep 11 12:23:41 CEST 2006
'), 1, now(), NAME_CONST('job_priority',0), 0, NAME_CONST('label_id',12582), NAME_CONST('submitter_id',2440));
# at 986993
After toying around with all kinds of charsets (currently all charset related variables are on 'utf8') the problem persists. I have a feeling the core problem is in the replication mechanism for stored procs. PLEASE HELP !!!
How to repeat:
execute this stored proc on a 5.0.18 server running on linux:
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `pdg`.`proc_save_job_new`$$
CREATE PROCEDURE `pdg`.`proc_save_job_new`(
inout job_id int(11),
in label_name varchar(250),
in label_type int,
in branch_name varchar(250),
in unit_name varchar(250),
in submitter_email varchar(250),
in job_priority int,
in job_properties text,
in label_comment varchar(250)
declare label_id int(11) default 0;
declare branch_id int(11) default 0;
declare unit_id int(11) default 0;
declare release_id int(11) default 0;
declare submitter_id int(11) default 0;
select id into submitter_id from `user` where emailid = submitter_email limit 1;
select id into release_id from `release` where pattern like 'u13%' and branch_name like concat('%',substring(pattern,position("_" in pattern),length(pattern)));
select id into unit_id from unit where short = unit_name limit 1;
select id into branch_id from branch where name = branch_name;
select id into label_id from label where name = label_name;
select job_id, label_id, branch_id, unit_id, release_id;
if branch_id = 0 then
insert into branch (name, unitid, releaseid, createtime, createuser) values(branch_name, unit_id, release_id, now(), submitter_id);
set branch_id = last_insert_id();
end if;
if label_id = 0 then
insert into label(name, labeltype, branchid, createtime, createuser)values(label_name,label_type, branch_id, now(), submitter_id);
set label_id = last_insert_id();
update label set labeltype = label_type, branchid = branch_id where id = label_id;
end if;
if label_comment is not null then
update label set comment = label_comment where id = label_id;
end if;
if job_id <= 0 then
insert into job (controlflow, active, createtime, priority, archived, labelid, submitterid) values ( job_properties, 1, now(), job_priority, 0, label_id, submitter_id);
set job_id = last_insert_id();
update job set controlflow = job_properties, priority = job_priority, labelid = label_id, submitterid = submitter_id where id = job_id;
end if;
select job_id, label_id, branch_id, unit_id, release_id;
END $$
The job-insert contains unreadble characters when shown through mysqlbinlog. Table is defined as
CREATE TABLE `pdg`.`job` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`controlflow` text NOT NULL COMMENT 'control flow',
`scheduleinfo` text COMMENT 'Schedule information',
`active` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
`createtime` datetime default NULL COMMENT 'job created date time',
`priority` tinyint(3) NOT NULL default '0' COMMENT 'Priority of the job',
`archived` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
`labelid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0' COMMENT 'Indicates the label id stored in Identity table',
`submitterid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' COMMENT 'Indicates the submitter id stored in Identity table',
KEY `FK_job_labelid` (`labelid`),
KEY `FK_job_submitterid` (`submitterid`),
CONSTRAINT `FK_job_labelid` FOREIGN KEY (`labelid`) REFERENCES `label` (`id`),
CONSTRAINT `FK_job_submitterid` FOREIGN KEY (`submitterid`) REFERENCES `user` (`id`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='Scheduled job information';