Bug #22308 Instance Manager does not support multiple options
Submitted: 13 Sep 2006 12:51 Modified: 5 Oct 2007 15:19
Reporter: Alexander Nozdrin Email Updates:
Status: Unsupported Impact on me:
Category:Instance Manager Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:5.1 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[13 Sep 2006 12:51] Alexander Nozdrin
There are options, that can be specified multiple times
("replication-do-db", for one).

Instance Manager does not support such options.

How to repeat:
1. Create configuration with multiple options.
For example:
server_id           = 1
port                = 50001
socket              = /home/alik/MySQL/var/5.1-rt-build/mysqld.socket
max_allowed_packet  = 20000000
language            = /home/alik/MySQL/devel/5.1-rt-build/sql/share/english
character-sets-dir  = /home/alik/MySQL/devel/5.1-rt-build/sql/share/charsets
basedir             = /home/alik/MySQL/devel/5.1-rt-build
datadir             = /home/alik/MySQL/var/5.1-rt-build
replication-do-db   = db1
replication-do-db   = db2

2. Start Instance Manager
3. List options for mysqld1 by "SHOW INSTANCE OPTIONS":
mysql> show instance options mysqld1;
| option_name        | value                                                  |
| instance_name      | mysqld1                                                |
| server_id          | 1                                                      |
| port               | 50001                                                  |
| socket             | /home/alik/MySQL/var/5.1-rt-build/mysqld.socket        |
| nonguarded         |                                                        |
| max_allowed_packet | 20000000                                               |
| language           | /home/alik/MySQL/devel/5.1-rt-build/sql/share/english  |
| character-sets-dir | /home/alik/MySQL/devel/5.1-rt-build/sql/share/charsets |
| basedir            | /home/alik/MySQL/devel/5.1-rt-build                    |
| datadir            | /home/alik/MySQL/var/5.1-rt-build                      |
| skip-stack-trace   |                                                        |
| skip-innodb        |                                                        |
| replication-do-db  | db2                                                    |
| pid-file           | mysqld1-booka.pid                                      |
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