Bug #2213 grouping varchar on large tables causes "skipping" some contents of the table
Submitted: 25 Dec 2003 14:26 Modified: 26 Dec 2003 8:19
Reporter: [ name withheld ] Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Compiling Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:3.23.58 OS:apache
Assigned to: Dean Ellis CPU Architecture:Any

[25 Dec 2003 14:26] [ name withheld ]

Grouping on varchar on a large table causes "skipping", dont exactly know how to explain but what is happening is keeps giving diffrent (most of the time) 

How to repeat:

Table: tx
a varchar(175)
b text

insert some data.  

select a, count (a) as rep from tx where match('fttable') against('search') group by  a order by rep desc limit 20

Suggested fix:

using tinytext instead of varchar(175) fixed it for this query.
[26 Dec 2003 8:19] Dean Ellis
I cannot repeat any problem with this query using my own data...

You should submit a complete test case, with the SQL statements to create, populate and query a test table, which demonstrates the specific problem.