Bug #21768 Kunyomi sort/collation for Japanese characters
Submitted: 22 Aug 2006 4:34 Modified: 28 Aug 2006 9:27
Reporter: Jacob Levine Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Charsets Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:4.1.12-nt OS:Any
Assigned to: Assigned Account CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: collation, japanese, kunyomi, onyomi, sort, yomi

[22 Aug 2006 4:34] Jacob Levine
I'm trying to perform a sort in MySQL on Japanese text. My field is using the SJIS character set and the default "sjis_japanese_ci" collation. I have also tried the "sjis_bin" collation without seeing any change. In my version of MySQL no other collations for the SJIS character set are available. 

When I sort on this field (using "ORDER BY"), the query returns data sorted in the "onyomi" ("音読み") order based on Chinese readings of the Japanese characters when I want it to use the "kunyomi" ("訓読み") readings which are based on Japanese readings of the same characters.

According to Peter Gulutzan, this is not currently supported, so I am adding a feature request here, as per this thread in the forum: http://forums.mysql.com/read.php?103,99763,99763#msg-99763


How to repeat:
Not a bug.
[28 Aug 2006 9:27] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for a reasonable feature request.