Bug #2155 --no-beep for mysqlc
Submitted: 18 Dec 2003 6:59 Modified: 7 Dec 2006 9:26
Reporter: [ name withheld ] Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Command-line Clients Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version: OS:cygwin
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[18 Dec 2003 6:59] [ name withheld ]
It would be really nice to have the --no-beep option in mysqlc client.  Under cygwin, the beep is really loud, almost nauseatingly loud and startling.  For now, I will spend the hour or two searching the web for disabling the bell completely in bash.  I have done this twice before, syntax was different each time, and it really did take a couple of hours.  Sucks.  Having the --no-beep in mysqlc would just be great!


How to repeat:
any syntax error in a command will ring the bell.  Muting doesn't work, and the volume is constant, and if it were my laptop I would just cut the wire to the bell just as I did to my own desktop oc.

Suggested fix:
Add the code for --no--beep in mysql client to the mysqlc client.  Should be fairly straightforward for someone that knows the code.
[14 Apr 2006 21:00] Jeff Diddy
I am working on an XP box, and can hardly stand the beeping.  My sounds are all off, and my system speaker is disabled.  I can't get this horrible session to stop beeping at me.  It's not just a normal beep.  It's a 'God, that was loud - I hope it's not disturbing my coworkers 5 rows over!!" loud.

[7 Dec 2006 9:26] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the report.

Looks like this feature has been implemented.
[14 Apr 2008 0:56] Luis Ortiz
I think i solve this problem. :DDD
I am in Windows XP Professional, and I have MySQL 5.0 installed,
you go to the MySQL folder, almost always it's in:
C:\Archivos de Programa\MySQL\
You open a file named my.ini (open it with Notebook)
there is some text about configurations, after a part where there is


then between those parts in a single line you write "no-beep" without the quotation marks "".
Save the file, restart the MySQL service,
and hope it solves the problem, it has worked for me so far.