Bug #21386 Connection must be valid and open MySqlDataReader
Submitted: 1 Aug 2006 13:38 Modified: 22 Aug 2006 7:53
Reporter: Henkjan Pluim Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:Connector / NET Severity:S5 (Performance)
Version: OS:Windows (Windows 2003 Server)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[1 Aug 2006 13:38] Henkjan Pluim
I am building a high performance MySQl 5.0 database solution where i have a table with over 500.000 records. The get specific information i have to query more then four other tables. I am using the .NET connector tool to connect to the database. First i run a stored procedure that returns only a identification (integer) value and i use this value in a combined stored procedure which returns  3 resultsets. 
I have constructed the following code in more generic terms:
With the results of the first DataReader Object i fill a local variable which i use in another MySqlDataReaderobject which returns three result sets which i use to set some properties of object

            MySqlCommand comm1;
            MySqlCommand comm2;

            MySqlDataReader dr = comm1.ExecuteReader();

                while (dr.Read())
                    MySqlDataReader drArticle = comm2.ExecuteReader();
                    while (drArticle.Read())
                          //set some properties with the first resultset

                    //second resultset

                    while (drArticle.Read())
                         //set some properties with the second resultset
                    //third resultset 

                    while (drArticle.Read())
                             //set some properties with the third resultset

                    //Close the Connection


                //Close the Connection

The code works fine but there are 12000 queries executed per minute to the database, after a small time this error is thrown. It works fine with 600 queries per minute but with more queries this error is thrown.

How to repeat:
I think it can be repeated using the above code and building some different different stored procedures like which the two MySQlDataReader objects Execute.


IN pTag int

SELECT ID FROM table WHERE Tag = pTag;
END $$



IN pID int

  CALL spArticle_G(pID );
  CALL spArticleAttributes_G(pID);
  CALL spArticleMarkers_G(pID);

END $$

[10 Aug 2006 6:43] Tonci Grgin
Hello and thanks for your problem report. I am not sure I can build test case with info provided. Can you please post/attach following to this bug report:
  * SQL script suitable for import containing all relevant data needed to reproduce the error
  * Small but complete test case exhibiting this error on data provided
  * my.ini/cnf file from your server
  * hostname.err file from your MySQL server host (usually in datadir)
  * Net framework version
  * Any info you deem relevant
[22 Aug 2006 7:15] Tonci Grgin
Hi. What about my requests?
[22 Aug 2006 10:22] Tonci Grgin
Hi Henkjan and thanks for your feedback.