Bug #21365 IM: Second instance in un-expected status
Submitted: 31 Jul 2006 14:34 Modified: 18 Aug 2006 13:42
Reporter: Joerg Bruehe Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:Instance Manager Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.0.24 OS:Some Unix (see text)
Assigned to: Alexander Nozdrin CPU Architecture:Any

[31 Jul 2006 14:34] Joerg Bruehe
Release builds of 5.0.24,
but the same symptom has been seen in 5.0.23 test build.

This looks like a subset of the symptoms reported in bug#18023.
The fixes for #14106, #18023. and #19391 are contained in the sources.

*** r/im_life_cycle.result
--- r/im_life_cycle.reject
*** 43,49
  instance_name status
  mysqld1       online
! mysqld2       offline
  Killing the process...
  Success: the process was restarted.
--- 43,49
  instance_name status
  mysqld1       online
! mysqld2       online
  Killing the process...
  Success: the process was restarted.
Please follow the instructions outlined at
to find the reason to this problem and how to report this.

Result from queries before failure can be found in r/im_life_cycle.log

Killing Possible Leftover Processes
===---===---===---===---===---===--- OCCURRED:
Do-rpm-hammer-5.0-standard.rhel3.log   normal
Do-rpm-rhas3-x86-5.0-standard.log   normal
Do-rpm-rhas3-x86-5.0-standard.rhel3.log   normal
Do-rpm-rx2620b-5.0-pro-gpl.rhel3.log   normal
hammer-glibc23-5.0-cluster.log   normal
hammer-glibc23-5.0-cluster.log   NDB
hammer-glibc23-5.0-debug.log   normal
hammer-glibc23-5.0-max.log   normal
hammer-glibc23-5.0-pro.log   normal
hammer-glibc23-5.0-standard.log   normal
pegasos3-glibc23-5.0-cluster.log   normal
rhas3-x86-glibc23-5.0-cluster.log   normal
rhas3-x86-glibc23-5.0-cluster.log   NDB
rhas3-x86-glibc23-5.0-max.log   NDB
rhas3-x86-glibc23-5.0-pro.log   normal
rx2620b-icc-glibc23-5.0-max.log   NDB

How to repeat:
Detected by running the test suite.
[17 Aug 2006 7:34] Alexander Nozdrin
BUG#18030 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug.
[18 Aug 2006 13:42] Alexander Nozdrin
The patch is in the main 5.0 tree, currently tagged 5.0.25.