Bug #21318 MySQL Query Browser crashes on Intel Mac
Submitted: 27 Jul 2006 15:29 Modified: 29 Sep 2006 7:56
Reporter: Ryan Cavicchioni Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Query Browser Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:1.1.18 OS:MacOS (Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.7)
Assigned to: Vladimir Kolesnikov CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: Engineering

[27 Jul 2006 15:29] Ryan Cavicchioni
I am using the MySQL GUI Tools 5.0-r1b universal binary package with an Intel Macbook. Whenever I ititiate a connection a local or remote MySQL 5.0 server, the application immediately crashes and generates the report attached below. I cannot even get to the query interface. If I force Query Browser to run in Rosetta, the applications seems to function propery and I can run queries, but obviously it performs poorly.

How to repeat:
Open MySQL Query Browser and ititiate a connection to a MySQL server.
[27 Jul 2006 15:31] Ryan Cavicchioni
Debug Report

Attachment: qbdebugdump.txt (text/plain), 17.53 KiB.

[1 Aug 2006 8:51] Marcus Eriksson
i found that it crashes whenever i either state a default schema or when i doubleclick a schema in the right drawer, can use the QB if i leave out the default schema when connecting and then doing "use whatever_db"
[8 Aug 2006 14:28] Ken Wiesner
I too am having the same problems.  Even if I specify use schema it still gets very angry and crashes.
[11 Sep 2006 14:46] Greg Crawley
I'm having the same problem.  Was going to attach the crash dump but it's virtually identical to the one that's already there.

This probably isn't terribly useful, but I noticed by monitoring "Connection Usage" in MySQL Administrator that the Query Browser does manage to open a connection to the DB before crashing.
[26 Sep 2006 15:28] [ name withheld ]
For me it crashes when returning the results of queries which have results containing several hundred or more rows.  Free memory is over 130MB.
[29 Sep 2006 7:56] Vladimir Kolesnikov

I cannot reproduce it with the latest 1.2.3rc - please try the latest version. If the problem persists, please specify whether you connect to a local or remote server, and what connection options did you use (sockets, compression, ansi quotes). also please supply the new crash dump.
