Bug #21181 NDB fails on restart
Submitted: 20 Jul 2006 14:08 Modified: 28 Aug 2006 12:33
Reporter: Arne Hüggenberg Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:mysql-5.1.12-beta OS:Linux (Gentoo Linux AMD64)
Assigned to: Jonas Oreland CPU Architecture:Any

[20 Jul 2006 14:08] Arne Hüggenberg
When trying to restart the Cluster is experienceing a failure in Phase 4.

How to repeat:
Start Cluster, wait for Startup to Fail
[20 Jul 2006 14:09] Arne Hüggenberg
changed category to cluster
[1 Aug 2006 14:27] Jonas Oreland

I have not looked closely at this one, but it might be that filesystem 
  will help a lot in finding this bug, is that possible to get ?

[2 Aug 2006 14:24] Jonas Oreland
Examining if this is same as http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=15303...
[2 Aug 2006 14:41] Jonas Oreland
no...not the same.

Is this reproducable ?
Can you upload just schema ?
  (and config.ini)

[3 Aug 2006 14:44] Arne Hüggenberg
By Schema i assume you mean the Table Definitions?
[3 Aug 2006 14:45] Arne Hüggenberg
The Issue is Reproducible, just did a fresh import into mondays bk checkout, and cant restart ndb
[3 Aug 2006 16:23] Jonas Oreland
Yes, by schema I mean table definitions
[15 Aug 2006 6:29] Jonas Oreland
I tested wo/ problem. This is what I did.
1) start 2-node cluster initial
2) Import, "mysql -uroot < snb_schema.sql"
3) perform system restart by doing "all restart"

this worked well...(on latest internal bk-clone)
did you do something else?
[16 Aug 2006 14:11] Arne Hüggenberg
No, thats more or less the procedure i use.

I'll check out a new BK snapshot and test again
[16 Aug 2006 14:22] Jonas Oreland
I'll also checkout a slightly older version to check,
since my local tree contains quite a few bug fixes that has not been
pushed yet (to any tree of my computer)
[28 Aug 2006 12:31] Arne Hüggenberg
I guess the problem solved itself, i cant reproduce the issue anymore on recent checkouts.
[28 Aug 2006 12:33] Jonas Oreland
So i'll close this for now.
Thx for all help.
Please reopen if problems occurs again...