Bug #21178 Shown error of perl library while installing mysql 5.0.22 for 64 AMD
Submitted: 20 Jul 2006 12:12 Modified: 20 Jul 2006 12:52
Reporter: Kalpana Trivedi Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Installing Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.0.22 OS:Linux (Fedora core 5 64 bit)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[20 Jul 2006 12:12] Kalpana Trivedi
Though following files exiting in system , error shown while installing mysql

 rpm -ivh *.rpm
error: Failed dependencies:
        perl(lib::mtr_cases.pl) is needed by MySQL-bench-5.0.22-0.glibc23.x86_64
        perl(lib::mtr_diff.pl) is needed by MySQL-bench-5.0.22-0.glibc23.x86_64
        perl(lib::mtr_gcov.pl) is needed by MySQL-bench-5.0.22-0.glibc23.x86_64
        perl(lib::mtr_gprof.pl) is needed by MySQL-bench-5.0.22-0.glibc23.x86_64
        perl(lib::mtr_io.pl) is needed by MySQL-bench-5.0.22-0.glibc23.x86_64
        perl(lib::mtr_match.pl) is needed by MySQL-bench-5.0.22-0.glibc23.x86_64
        perl(lib::mtr_misc.pl) is needed by MySQL-bench-5.0.22-0.glibc23.x86_64
        perl(lib::mtr_process.pl) is needed by MySQL-bench-5.0.22-0.glibc23.x86_64
        perl(lib::mtr_report.pl) is needed by MySQL-bench-5.0.22-0.glibc23.x86_64
        perl(lib::mtr_stress.pl) is needed by MySQL-bench-5.0.22-0.glibc23.x86_64
        perl(lib::mtr_timer.pl) is needed by MySQL-bench-5.0.22-0.glibc23.x86_64

How to repeat:
just copy rpm of mysql for AMD-64.
And try to install it.
[20 Jul 2006 12:52] Valeriy Kravchuk
Duplicate of bug #13634. Will be fixed in next release.