Bug #21147 | The description for each error should include the status permanent/transient | ||
Submitted: | 19 Jul 2006 12:55 | Modified: | 19 Jul 2006 22:10 |
Reporter: | Shawn Green | Email Updates: | |
Status: | Closed | Impact on me: | |
Category: | MySQL Server: Documentation | Severity: | S4 (Feature request) |
Version: | OS: | ||
Assigned to: | Stefan Hinz | CPU Architecture: | Any |
Tags: | error, error code, permanent, transient |
[19 Jul 2006 12:55]
Shawn Green
[19 Jul 2006 13:24]
MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report.
[19 Jul 2006 22:10]
Stefan Hinz
The distinction between transient and permanent is fuzzy. Taking the example in the bug description: sure, if a column name doesn't exist that's an error that is likely to last longer than a deadlock, but it's not permanent because ALTER TABLE exists. On the other hand, a syntax error is more permanent, it lasts until MySQL changes server behaviour. I don't think anyone could come up with a suitable definition of what "transient" and "permanent" means, or where exactly to draw the line. Therefore, I'm closing this feature request.
[20 Jul 2006 8:13]
Ian Sparrowhawk
Please do not close this feature request. The distinction is not fuzzy. With your NDB API you have NdbError::Status which categorises errors as Temporary or Permanent (or Unknown) as detailed in the documentation referred to us on the NDB API training course: http://flake.defau.lt/docs/ndbapi/structNdbError.html#w22 The ndbapi_retries.cpp example also displays the kind of functionality we need to implement with the C API: http://flake.defau.lt/docs/ndbapi/structNdbError.html An error due to an invalid column name is, in database terms, a permanent error. Yes, it can be rectified but there is no point in an application hammering away at the database trying to execute it's query again and again in the hope that a DBA might come along and correct the table in the meantime; especially in the case of a single threaded system! This said we don't want to give up on a query if communication with the database is temporarily lost and a retry a second later might prove successful. We need to write a high-performance, resilient system; we don't want to give up on the first error each time but equally we don't want to keep hitting the same error indefinitely. Please could you suggest how we might achieve such functionality without the aforementioned error categorisation?
[21 Jul 2006 16:59]
Stefan Hinz
In NDB, if you get an error 1297 (Got temporary error %d '%s' from %s) the error is temporary. Any other error is permanent. We're considering stating this more explicitly in the NDB API documentation.