Bug #205 gis-rtree test failure
Submitted: 28 Mar 2003 4:14 Modified: 17 Apr 2003 6:24
Reporter: Lenz Grimmer Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:4.1 OS:Solaris (Solaris, HPUX, Mac OS X)
Assigned to: Ramil Kalimullin CPU Architecture:Any

[28 Mar 2003 4:14] Lenz Grimmer
On some non-Intel platforms, the "gis-rtree" test currently fails with the
following error:

gis-rtree                     ....     ....     ....       [ fail ]
   >> Error at line 70: Result length mismatch<<
Below are the diffs between actual and expected results:
*** r/gis-rtree.result  Thu Mar 27 18:11:45 2003
--- r/gis-rtree.reject  Fri Mar 28 14:22:11 2003
*** 291,297 ****
  Table Create Table
  t2    CREATE TABLE `t2` (
    `fid` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
!   `g` geometry NOT NULL default '',
    PRIMARY KEY  (`fid`),
    SPATIAL KEY `g` (`g`(32))
--- 291,297 ----
  Table Create Table
  t2    CREATE TABLE `t2` (
    `fid` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
!   `g` linestring NOT NULL default '',
    PRIMARY KEY  (`fid`),
    SPATIAL KEY `g` (`g`(32))

As discussed on IRC, this seems to be an endianess-problem. Please investigate.

How to repeat:
Compile the current 4.1 tree on one of the platforms mentioned above
and run mysql_test_run gis-rtree
[17 Apr 2003 6:24] Ramil Kalimullin
Fixed. Changeset 1.1503