Bug #20381 The service could not be started Error:0 on XP
Submitted: 11 Jun 2006 17:53 Modified: 17 Jun 2006 14:57
Reporter: Amit Kulkarni Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:mysql-essential-5.0.22-win32.msi OS:Windows (windows XP)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[11 Jun 2006 17:53] Amit Kulkarni

I am trying to install mysql5 on windows XP machine. I am receiving error as follows:
The service could not be started Error:0
I tried reinstalling 4 times but was not successful. I tried disabling all by firewalls and tried installing again, which failed.
I manually went and tried starting the mqsql service, but failed.

Can you please help in this regard.

Thanks and Regards,

How to repeat:
Try installing again on XP
[12 Jun 2006 6:26] Heikki Tuuri

please show what

mysqld --console

prints when you start it from an MS-DOS prompt.


[13 Jun 2006 17:45] Amit Kulkarni
What i understand from your requirement is, i need to open a command prompt and type "mysqld --console". when i did that, following was the output:

C:\Documents and Settings\amit>mysqld --console
'mysqld' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

I tried from statr menu->Mysql5.0->MySqlcommanlineclient, it asked for a password, I put the password which i had configured during the installation steps. The window exited.

[13 Jun 2006 18:46] Sveta Smirnova
>'mysqld' is not recognized as an internal or external command
you should add directory contains mysqld.exe into PATH variable or use absolute path to mysqld.exe
[16 Jun 2006 14:29] Amit Kulkarni
hi thanks for the reply.

I tried searching for the file mysqld.exe in the "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0" folder where i have tried installing mysql. Instead i found following 2 files:
mysqld-nt.exe, mysqldump.exe

I had downloaded the standard installation from mysql site ( mysql-essential-5.0.22-win32.msi)...that rules out the possibility of wrong installation file..
[16 Jun 2006 15:06] Sveta Smirnova
Please, read carefully http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/windows-select-server.html about MySQL Server types.
[17 Jun 2006 5:09] Amit Kulkarni
Thanks for all the supprt.... i left pursuing mysql5.0...i have installed 4.2 version and is working fine....
Thanks again
[5 Nov 2007 4:21] Hiroshi TANAKA

My name is Hiroshi TANAKA.
I write this comment from Japan.
I'm sorry that I cannot write English fluentry.

By the way,
I had the same trouble until just now.
And I resolved it now.

All I did do are the below:

1.I uninstalled MySQL.
2.I deleted "C:\Program Files\MySQL" folder
  because it was left even after I uninstalled MySQL.
3.I modified Environment value "Path"
  because ";\;" sentence was left after I uninstalled MySQL.

After I did the 3 action, I was able to reinstall MySQL
which version is latest version (MySQL Server 5.0).

Please try it!!
If you have the same trouble.

Thank You
Best Regards
Hiroshi TANAKA
[18 Nov 2007 0:47] Wai-Ip Kam
I had the same problem, but it works properly by following Hiroshi's instruction
[9 Jan 2008 6:47] start start
Selecting only MyISAM storage engine solved my problem.
Hope this is helpful.
[21 May 2008 13:44] Peter Ryan
Hiroshi's fix didn't work for me.

I tried several times.

Finally, I re-installed using the Custom installation choice accepting all the defaults and the service started OK.
[28 Mar 2009 21:57] Carlos Konig
If you got this error:
"The service could not be started Error:0"

you need put in o windows path:
WinXP>My computer> Right click, properties>Advanced Setting>Enviroment Variable>
In system variable: NEW>Variable name: MYSQL Variable value: C:\Program File\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin> OK > OK

Dont need restart computer to work, that it.
[31 Mar 2009 8:31] liu huiqing
"C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin\mys
qld" --console
090331 16:29:03 [Warning] Changed limits: max_open_files: 2048  max_connections:
 800  table_cache: 619
InnoDB: Error: log file .\ib_logfile0 is of different size 0 10485760 bytes
InnoDB: than specified in the .cnf file 0 30408704 bytes!
090331 16:29:06 [ERROR] Plugin 'InnoDB' init function returned error.
090331 16:29:06 [ERROR] Plugin 'InnoDB' registration as a STORAGE ENGINE failed.

090331 16:29:06 [ERROR] Unknown/unsupported table type: INNODB
090331 16:29:06 [ERROR] Aborting

090331 16:29:06 [Warning] Forcing shutdown of 1 plugins
090331 16:29:06 [Note] C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin\mysqld: Shutd
own complete
[25 Jan 2010 22:26] Benjamin Hall
I can install 5.0 but 5.1 hangs every time with Error:0 or trying to start the service for the first time (more common).  I ran mysqld --console and got this:

Plugin 'FEDERATED' is disabled.

and nothing else

Any ideas?  I have reinstalled many times and made sure the directories are deleted and the registry is cleared before I install again.  I have also tried downloading the installer multiple times.
[25 Jan 2010 22:28] Benjamin Hall
When I stopped the service these errors came up on the console.

100125 16:27:38 [Note] Plugin 'FEDERATED' is disabled.
InnoDB: No valid checkpoint found.
InnoDB: If this error appears when you are creating an InnoDB database,
InnoDB: the problem may be that during an earlier attempt you managed
InnoDB: to create the InnoDB data files, but log file creation failed.
InnoDB: If that is the case, please refer to
InnoDB: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/error-creating-innodb.html
100125 16:27:39 [ERROR] Plugin 'InnoDB' init function returned error.
100125 16:27:39 [ERROR] Plugin 'InnoDB' registration as a STORAGE ENGINE failed.

100125 16:27:39 [ERROR] Unknown/unsupported table type: INNODB
100125 16:27:39 [ERROR] Aborting

100125 16:27:39 [Note] mysqld: Shutdown complete
[25 Jan 2010 23:02] Benjamin Hall
I finally got it to work by updating the environment path.  Ugh - what a crappy installer