Bug #20192 Can not enter Chinese Characters
Submitted: 1 Jun 2006 11:11 Modified: 6 Dec 2006 8:20
Reporter: D.T. Chang Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Query Browser Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:1.1.20 OS:Windows (Windows 2003/XP)
Assigned to: Mike Lischke CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: Source Editors

[1 Jun 2006 11:11] D.T. Chang
Can not enter Chinese Characters correctly in the SQL editor area. All Chinese words will be displayed reversely and mis-placed (or overlaped).

How to repeat:

Suggested fix:
Unicode problems.
[1 Jun 2006 18:14] Jorge del Conde
Thanks for your bug report.  I was able to reproduce this with with 1.1.20 under XP64
[20 Jun 2006 10:56] Terence Benge
Hello, I have the same problem with Russian characters. Running same version of QB and Win XP Pro SP2.
[2 Aug 2006 11:08] timothy chan
not only viewing but also inserting Chinese by SQL would also be another problem
[16 Oct 2006 5:26] Yunhui Xuan
Hi,I have the same problem with Chinese characters, Running 1.2.4 beta
with Win XP Home SP2.
[16 Oct 2006 14:12] Terence Benge
Hello, I finally resolved my russian text problem by using Toad fro Quest Software.

I am able to key in russian text in SQL and can read the russian text found in the data.
[29 Nov 2006 12:40] Mike Lischke
Have you tried to increase the character width in the application settings? Actually, it is quite difficult to get good integration of asian letters done, because they require twice as much room as other characters. However we use a constant character cell width to have proper column alignment in the editors. This constant width is also enforced on fonts that have a variable cell width (like Arial Unicode MS), for the mentioned reason.

By increasing the cell width in the application settings full width asian characters become correctly written. However, the other (mostly latin) chars are then separated too much and look ugly then. Using variable width text output would solve the problems with asian characters, but would make another important feature impossible (column alignment), which is necessary for complex queries and scripts.

I'm afraid, we cannot provide a good solution for everybody, hence the character width settings was introduced as a compromise.

My question is now, does this solve your original problem or do you see something which is not related to character spacing in the editors?
[1 Dec 2006 3:52] D.T. Chang
I had tried to increase the character width in the application settings. I found that QueryBrowser 1.2 Beta will not work correctly, but an other older version can work correctly and acceptable. If change character width can solve the misplace and incorrect typeing order for double bytes characters, I think it is a good solution.
[1 Dec 2006 9:20] Mike Lischke
Chinese text copied directly from Webbrowser to Query Browser

Attachment: chinese.png (image/png, text), 43.02 KiB.

[1 Dec 2006 9:23] Mike Lischke
For me it looks as if QB works relatively well with chinese text. See the attached picture I just shot. What exactly is the problem you see? Overlapping characters are cause be too narrow character width. But it should not happen that characters are swapped. They should appear in correct order and for me they do.
[5 Dec 2006 3:08] D.T. Chang
I had tried MySQL Query Browser which bundled in  mysql-gui-tools-5.0-r6-win32.msi. I set code font width 12, size 10. And then copy follow words

SELECT '張三山'

from Windows notepad into Query Browser's editor field, it works well.
But if I type each character one by one, then the part of Chinese characters will not work correctly, Chinese characters will overlap with each other.
[6 Dec 2006 8:20] Mike Lischke
Thank you for your bug report. This issue has been committed to our source repository of that product and will be incorporated into the next release.

If necessary, you can access the source repository and build the latest available version, including the bug fix. More information about accessing the source trees is available at
