Bug #19946 Print scaling problems
Submitted: 19 May 2006 17:12 Modified: 25 May 2006 15:50
Reporter: Jason Anderson Email Updates:
Status: Won't fix Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Preview Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:1.0.6 beta OS:Windows (XP SP2)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[19 May 2006 17:12] Jason Anderson
When selecting print or exporting to image the the items being printed are extremely tiny / unreadable which using the default 2 x 2 or force 1 x 1 poster.

When printed to any printer the tables/text are the size of a postage stamp / unreadable and rest of page is blank.   During printing, a huge print file is generated (guessing that most of it is blank pixels) - the machine crawls.

When exported to an image, same scaling issue - a huge canvas is produced with blank area.   Post-manipulation via image editor (crop to just what is visible) is a temporary workaround.   The image canvas is so big that it causes most image editors to hang for long periods until the crop is finished.

Basically the product is not usable for printing any diagrams.

How to repeat:
Create a model with just a few tables.   Select print (or export to image).   View in print preview, printed page or resulting image file if using export.

Suggested fix:
Provide a print canvas/background that is bounding box around actual objects, rather than default canvas size / too much white space.

Default print should scale and fit to one page, all objects be readable/visible.
[25 May 2006 15:49] Jorge del Conde
Thanks for your bug report.  I was able to reporduce this bug under WinXP/64
[19 Apr 2007 13:58] William Grother
I am running 1.1.10 alpha and this bug is still evident -- it makes the tool unusable if I cannot print out the results. I feel the severity of this bug needs to be raised.