Bug #197 | table corruption | ||
Submitted: | 27 Mar 2003 0:39 | Modified: | 18 Jul 2003 6:43 |
Reporter: | [ name withheld ] | Email Updates: | |
Status: | Duplicate | Impact on me: | |
Category: | MySQL Server: MyISAM storage engine | Severity: | S1 (Critical) |
Version: | 4.0.10-4.0.12 | OS: | Linux (Linux) |
Assigned to: | Assigned Account | CPU Architecture: | Any |
[27 Mar 2003 0:39]
[ name withheld ]
[27 Mar 2003 4:57]
Indrek Siitan
Not enough information was provided for us to be able to handle this bug. Please re-read the instructions at http://bugs.mysql.com/how-to-report.php If you can provide more information, feel free to add it to this bug and change the status back to 'Open'. Thank you for your interest in MySQL. Need a test case.
[27 Mar 2003 5:13]
[ name withheld ]
I can send you a tarball including the crashed tables if you like. What else would be appropriate to help you?
[27 Mar 2003 5:30]
Indrek Siitan
The corrupted tables aren't that useful for tracking down the bug - we would rather need a way to reproduce the corruption on our servers (i.e., something along the lines of "query X on the given data Y causes the tables to be corrupted").
[30 Mar 2003 2:13]
[ name withheld ]
I tried to figure out which special query corrupts the table. I activated the logfile and let myisamchk run every minute and log the results. There were no queries in the logs that did not occur 1000 times before the crash. The whole action is complicated because these are higly used tables. I don't know what causes this problem: But corruption happens - in different databases on different tables. We replaced Hardware with a change. Harddisk has no errors as far as i can see. The error occurs not only on one servers, but on 3. All of them experiencing heavy database load. Shall i run debug-version of Mysql?
[30 Mar 2003 2:15]
[ name withheld ]
My last comment stated that we changed hardware with a change. This is of course an error. We replaced it and the error is still there.
[13 May 2003 13:21]
Shaun Reitan
Hundreds, probably thousands of people are having these problems. google a search for "table corruption mysql 4.0.12" and you guys will see how many people out their are having this problem. I am having to repair databases daily for some clients. It seams that the corruption occurs mostly on forums, but i assume thats just because of the high usuage.
[13 May 2003 14:35]
Michael Widenius
I did a check on google according to the suggestion from this poster and there is not many references of corruption with MySQL 4.0.12; Of the found 200 links, most of them points to the MySQL manual and to the MySQL public email lists, without any specific references to 4.0.12 or even to table corruption. (4.0.12 is a mentioned in many context as this is currently the latest MySQL 4.0 release). We have a lot of customers running 4.0.12 and we have not got any indication that 4.0.12 should not be resonable stable. This doesn't mean that 4.0.12 is bug free but that it's very likely that your problems are triggered by something that is relatively unique for you and we would need much more information from you to be able to help you find out what could be wrong. This bug report is not a repeatable bug that is in the realm of this bug find program, which is directed to find critical bugs that should be fixed in the next release MySQL. To get help for this, we recommend you to consider MySQL support (http://www.mysql.com/support-and-consulting.html).
[13 May 2003 15:17]
Shaun Reitan
http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?s=3f7a4402c2ba41e9425d2a0011702683&threadid=... http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?s=3f7a4402c2ba41e9425d2a0011702683&threadid=... http://forums.cpanel.net/showthread.php?s=&threadid=8740&perpage=15&highlight=table%20corr... These are just a cupple places with people having troubles. Any information you can provide me for debuging the problem will be appriciated.
[13 May 2003 16:21]
Joey Moses
We had so many problems we finally downgraded to version 3.23.56 since we have not had one single problem. Before with version 4.0.12 it was a daily basis to have corrupt tables and databases as many as 12 in one day. Went on for 3 weeks we finally changed. To Bad!!!
[22 May 2003 0:08]
Jene Novakovic
We are having the same problem too. We have a heay used forum (vb) where we expirence up to 2 table corruptions per day. We run CHECK TABLES every 5 minutes and repair the corrupt tables when nessecary. It is not possible to repeat the bug, it just happens from time to time. We are running Linux and MySQL 4.0.13. Here the output from the CHECK TABLE and REPAIR TABLE: Wed, 21 May 2003 19:10:01 +0200: n_forum.thread check error record delete-link-chain corrupted n_forum.thread check error Corrupt repairing: n_forum.thread n_forum.thread repair info Wrong bytesec: 0-0-0 at 16996600; Skipped n_forum.thread repair info Wrong bytesec: 65-112-114 at 16996624; Skipped n_forum.thread repair info Wrong bytesec: 0-0-0 at 16996664; Skipped n_forum.thread repair info Delete link points outside datafile at 16996676 n_forum.thread repair warning Number of rows changed from 183669 to 183666 n_forum.thread repair status OK
[15 Jul 2003 15:14]
http://www.google.com/search?q=mysql+error+1016 thousands of people have found this bug! I don't belive that downgrade to 3.x is the only solution... bad impression...
[15 Jul 2003 23:32]
Lenz Grimmer
Thanks for the hint - the Google references will hopefully help us to find a pattern here. As it only seems to be happening when using MyISAM tables, we would need a detailed log of what's happening when the corruption occurs. To investigate this, we need: a) An _intact_ copy of the MyISAM table before the corruption occurs b) The MyISAM log file up to the point where the table gets corrupted (and the Error 1016 occurs). You can configue mysqld to write this log file by using the command line parameter "--log-isam[=file]" This will hopefully give us enough info to investigate how the corruption occurs. Bundle these files into a zip or tar archive and upload them to ftp://support.mysql.com/pub/mysql/secret/ (write only access), possibly with a reference to this bug number in the file name (e.g. myisamcrash_bug197.zip)
[18 Jul 2003 1:32]
HÃ¥kon Innerdal
Some additional info: We are experiencing this same problem, from atleast MySQL 4.0.10 - 4.0.13 RedHat versions 7.2 and 7.3, using rpm's from MySQL AB * the system is stable, no crashes, no external source that causes corruption. * Occurs in master/slave setup, in 20% of the cases, the corruption is replicated, indicating that this is probably a locical fault in the mysqld, using the same sequence of queries. I'll try to package up some files and logs, but I suspect it wouldn't help to much since it happens only on big, highly volatile tables, f.ex we have 2 or 3 corruptions in the scope of 25000000 queries, on tables with 10000 or more rows. I'm dedicating time to this problem, so the next time it happens, I'll try to extract more info about it, hopefully being able to provide a replication binlog that can produce the fault (although providing all the necessary info to MySQL is probably a tarball of 200-300 MB ... )
[18 Jul 2003 6:43]
Lenz Grimmer
This bug has been reported more than once - I am closing this one as a duplicate now - please follow the progress of this one here: http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=563
[24 Jul 2003 6:23]
Andrew van der Stock
This is happening two-three times a day on XMB 1.8 SP1, PHP 4.2.3, mysql 4.0.12 and now 4.0.13, CPanel6 7.2.1 STABLE #85, Apache 1.3.27 running on RedHat Linux 7.3 with the latest security fixes. It is losing us our popular threads. Loss of data is a critical issue for us, and unacceptable for a database product. It has been affecting us for a while (I'll try and find the earliest post I made to our forum. I am willing to help troubleshoot this issue, but time has nearly run out - I can't lose any more data or have much more downtime. I will be migrating us to Postgres on August 1 if there is no solution. Andrew
[8 Aug 2003 1:23]
Lenz Grimmer
Can you still reproduce this behaviour with MySQL-4.0.14? We have received serveral reports, that this version fixed the table corruption problems for them.
[8 Aug 2003 1:27]
[ name withheld ]
4.0.14 fixed it for us. I just reported that to the new bug because this one was closed as a dupe.
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