Bug #1968 Submitter's e-mail address shown in correct syntax
Submitted: 27 Nov 2003 6:10 Modified: 11 Aug 2004 2:25
Reporter: Barry Byrne Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Websites: bugs.mysql.com Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version: OS:
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[27 Nov 2003 6:10] Barry Byrne
The bug reporting system shows the submitter's email address.
This potentially makes the submitter a spamming victim.

How to repeat:
Look at any bug

Suggested fix:
(a) do not show e-mail address at all
(b) replace @ by ' at '
(c) insert NOSPAM after @
[28 Nov 2003 8:04] Dean Ellis
Email addresses are only displayed if the user has chosen to expose the address in his profile, so I am changing this to a feature request.

Thank you.
[26 Jul 2004 9:06] Jacques
On the bugs.php.net (php-bugs-web) we have a function called 'spam_protect' which basically obscures email address:

<th>From:</th><td><?php echo htmlspecialchars(spam_protect($bug['email']))?></td>

/* Email spam protection */
function spam_protect($txt)
        $translate = array('@' => ' at ', '.' => ' dot ');

        /* php.net addresses are not protected! */
        if (preg_match('/^(.+)@php\.net/i', $txt)) {
                return $txt;
        } else {
                return strtr($txt, $translate);

Which can easily be changed to the following to works with bugs.mysql.com

/* Email spam protection */
function spam_protect($txt)
        $translate = array('@' => ' at ', '.' => ' dot ');

        /* mysql.com addresses are not protected! */
        if (preg_match('/^(.+)@mysql\.com/i', $txt)) {
                return $txt;
        } else {
                return strtr($txt, $translate);
[11 Aug 2004 2:25] Jim Winstead
Email addresses are never shown to non-MySQL employees now. (This has been true for a while, 