Bug #19664 Rolling upgrade from 5.1.9 -> 5.1.10 fails
Submitted: 10 May 2006 6:30 Modified: 16 May 2006 15:11
Reporter: Nikolay Grishakin Email Updates:
Status: Won't fix Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.1 OS:Linux (Linux)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[10 May 2006 6:30] Nikolay Grishakin
Rolling updates failed from 5.1.9 to 5.1.10.

Changing ndbd on one of the nodes fails:

[ndbdev@ndb13 ngrishakin]$ ndbd -c ndb15:14000
2006-05-08 20:00:03 [ndbd] INFO     -- Error handler restarting system
2006-05-08 20:00:03 [ndbd] INFO     -- Error handler shutdown completed - exiting

How to repeat:
Get 5.1.9 cluster running, stop node #2 and replace ndbd with version 5.1.10 and 
restart this node.
[16 May 2006 15:11] Tomas Ulin
we conciously made an incopatible change between these versions.  because there was an error in earlier releases

we will not fix this