Bug #19563 Old version of MySQL Administrator run by default
Submitted: 5 May 2006 13:25 Modified: 5 May 2006 17:06
Reporter: Toivo Talikka Email Updates:
Status: Won't fix Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Preview Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:1.0.6 beta OS:Windows (Windows XP SP2)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[5 May 2006 13:25] Toivo Talikka
I have both MySQL Administrator version 1.0.3 and 1.1.9 installed on my Windows XP PC.  When I select MySQL Administrator from MySQL Workbench, the older version loads by default.  There does not seem to way to select the version of the default MySQL Administrator during the installation, or any option to change the behaviour after the installation, other than perhaps uninstalling the older version, which I need occasionally for one of my servers.

How to repeat:
I presume the problem happens if two versions of MySQL Adminstrator are installed if there is no way to change the default, or if MySQL Workbench does not give the option to choose the version of MySQL Administrator.

Suggested fix:
Make the selection of the MySQL Administrator directory an option during the installation.
[5 May 2006 13:28] Toivo Talikka
Alternatively, select by default the latest version of MySQL Administrator installed on the Windows XP system rather than the oldest.
[5 May 2006 17:06] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report. Looks to me it is a feature request for
to allow the edit of the default one.