Bug #18902 MySQL service cannot start
Submitted: 8 Apr 2006 8:21 Modified: 6 May 2006 5:08
Reporter: Herry Yulianto Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:MySQL 5 OS:Windows (Windows XP Professional)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[8 Apr 2006 8:21] Herry Yulianto
Hi dears,
I've a problem with MySQL service that couldn't start. The Message is "Could not start the Service MySQL. Error 0". I hope you can help me to solve this problem and can send email to heryul@yahoo.com.
Thanks very much.

How to repeat:
send answer by email to heryul@yahoo.com
[8 Apr 2006 8:30] Herry Yulianto
The message was

Attachment: Error_StartService_MySQL.JPG (image/pjpeg, text), 27.16 KiB.

[10 Apr 2006 12:45] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for a problem report. Do you have any Service packs, firewall, antivirus software, previous version of MySQL server installed? Did you install MySQL server as local Adminsitrator? 

Exact version, 5.0.x, may be also useful.
[16 Apr 2006 3:30] maxime bonillo
It's seems to be a password error, try to:
-> uninstall -> delete "install path" and "MySQL Datafiles" directories,
then reinstall and retry, don't forget your password
[2 May 2006 23:36] John Crowley
Observed same bug installing 5.0.20a on XP Pro/SP2. Unable to start MySQL5 as a service on XP. Same error screen.
[3 May 2006 0:44] Herry Yulianto
Thanks so much friends, maxime bonillo has right that I need to delete "install path" and "MySQL Datafiles" directories then reinstall. Now I can run MySQL 5 service well done... thanks....
[6 May 2006 5:08] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for feedback with the issue resolved.
[16 Apr 2009 18:57] jonathan pilier
Hi I have encounter the same issue and I dicided to go around some forum. I read the comments and I saw the solutions to this problem but I don't know where i can find the Install path and the mySQL Datafiles directories to delete.

Please help

"Thanks so much friends, maxime bonillo has right that I need to delete "install path" and
"MySQL Datafiles" directories then reinstall. Now I can run MySQL 5 service well done...