Bug #1883 While using "like" ... in "Big5" Server Characterset ...
Submitted: 19 Nov 2003 0:08 Modified: 24 Dec 2003 5:04
Reporter: her min-hua Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:3.23, 4.0, 4.1.1 OS:Other (sco-linux 4.0)
Assigned to: Alexander Barkov CPU Architecture:Any

[19 Nov 2003 0:08] her min-hua
Hi there, sorry to bother u, but we do meet some troubles while using mysql, beg ur mercy to help us strugle out of this circustances... we appreaciated.

Case 1 : all standard setting mysql server
    table test1 
    column nme char(10)
    index nme

    we got three data in this table : aaa aaabb aaacc
    while doing select : select nme from test1 where nme like "aaa%";
    we got three results : aaa aaabb aaacc

Case 2 : all standard setting but Big5 characterset mysql server
    table test1
    column nme char(10)
    index nme

    the same there : aaa aaabb aaacc
    the same select : select nme from test1 where nme like "aaa%";
    we got ... "two" !? : aaabb aaacc ... where is "aaa" ... ?_?
we do need help ... please tell us if the right select way should be used... tks, we appreaciated,                                  best regards, alex     

How to repeat:
While using "like" ... in "Big5" Server Characterset
[26 Nov 2003 12:18] Dean Ellis
Verified with 3.23.58, 4.0.17 and 4.1.1.

The problem only occurs if the column is indexed, and LIKE will not return results for 'pattern%' where the column value = pattern.

Thank you.
[24 Dec 2003 5:04] Alexander Barkov
Thank you for your bug report. This issue has been committed to our
source repository of that product and will be incorporated into the
next release.

If necessary, you can access the source repository and build the latest
available version, including the bugfix, yourself. More information 
about accessing the source trees is available at

Additional info:

I fixed this bug in 4.0 and 4.1 tree, also I added a test into 4.1.