Bug #18821 mysqlimport
Submitted: 5 Apr 2006 19:22 Modified: 23 May 2006 9:53
Reporter: john h Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Command-line Clients Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version: OS:
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[5 Apr 2006 19:22] john h
mysqlimport as well as "LOAD DATA INFILE" does not display full errors and warnings as they occur or even if/when/how they occur. 

please add the ability to log errors during a mysqlimport or "LOAD DATA INFILE" command. 

there is no way that most professional shops will toggle on debugging just for this purpose, and trace files are way overkill. 

just an error log!  in fact you have one, mysql.err, but it never logs errors from mysqlimport. 

How to repeat:
use mysqlimport to import a 2G csv dump and figure out why it dropped 10,000 rows after the command completes, and after you sit idle for 20 minutes while it loads... 

Suggested fix:
print errors from mysqlimport and "LOAD DATA INFILE" to the mysql.err log or some alternative to --debug.
[23 May 2006 9:53] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for a reasonable feature request. LOAD DATA INFILE should output warnings that can be studied with SHOW WARNINGS then. But separate log(s) of bad/rejected records for mysqlimport would be a really useful feature to have.
[5 Feb 2010 9:42] Ravikumar V
    Is this bug fixed ?
[4 Mar 2010 12:43] Michael Green
Can anyone give me an update on this feature request? Has it been solved somehow? I'm facing the same problem on MySQL Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.1.44, for Win32 (ia32).