Bug #18510 failed assertion creating foreign key
Submitted: 26 Mar 2006 2:24 Modified: 26 Apr 2006 20:47
Reporter: [ name withheld ] Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Preview Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:1.0.5 OS:Linux (SuSE 9.3)
Assigned to: Alfredo Kojima CPU Architecture:Any

[26 Mar 2006 2:24] [ name withheld ]
Assertion fails while creating foreign key from table editor.  Entire program exits sudenly:

gtkmm-ERROR **: file treeiter.cc: line 75 (Gtk::TreeIter& Gtk::TreeIter::operator++()): assertion failed: (!is_end_)
/usr/bin/mysql-workbench: line 18:   441 Aborted                 $PRG-bin $*

> echo $?

Sometimes, workbench will not start again, and will give:

*** glibc detected *** double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x088553c8 ***
/usr/bin/mysql-workbench: line 18:   540 Aborted                 $PRG-bin $*

> echo $?

How to repeat:
Open the workbench.  Create two tables.  Create two fields in the first table: a primary key and a data field.  On the second table, create a primary key, a data field, and a field to use with the foreign key.  Go to the "Foreign Keys" tab, give the first foreign key a name.  It does not allow selection of a "Ref. Table".  Now, if a "Column" is selected, the program crashes with the above assertion failure.

Suggested fix:
[26 Apr 2006 20:47] Alfredo Kojima
Thank you for your bug report. This issue has been committed to our
source repository of that product and will be incorporated into the
next release.

If necessary, you can access the source repository and build the latest
available version, including the bugfix, yourself. More information 
about accessing the source trees is available at