Bug #18215 Long latency in connection establish
Submitted: 14 Mar 2006 8:52 Modified: 22 Apr 2006 4:17
Reporter: [ name withheld ] Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:4.1.18 OS:Linux (Linux)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[14 Mar 2006 8:52] [ name withheld ]
After upgrade from 4.1.13a to 4.1.18, (by UPGRAGE, I mean simply rename the original home directory of old version extracted from the non-RPM mysql-standard-4.1.13-pc-linux-gnu-i686-glibc23.tar.gz, and then extract the newer mysql-standard-4.1.18-pc-linux-gnu-i686-glibc23.tar.gz into original dir. The DB files had been backed up and restored using mysqldump/mysql accordingly) a long latency (about 10 seconds) in connection establish is observed. After connected, all the subsequent queries/updates are just fine.
Upgrade client (Win32) myODBC driver to 3.51.12 improves nothing.

How to repeat:
Linux -- install mysql-standard-4.1.18-pc-linux-gnu-i686-glibc23.tar.gz
Win32 -- install mysql-connector-odbc-3.51.12-win32.msi
             and MySQL Query Browser 1.1.13

Using MySQL Query Browser to connect DB, you'll observe the login and queries suffer a delay for 10 seconds.(I belief MySQL Query Browser establish a new connection and close it within each query)

Suggested fix:
As above
[14 Mar 2006 9:39] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for a problem report. Please, try to start the server with --skip-name-resolve option and test again with QB 1.1.20. Inform about the results.
[14 Apr 2006 23:00] Bugs System
No feedback was provided for this bug for over a month, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to "Open".
[22 Apr 2006 4:17] [ name withheld ]
I'm very sorry to feed back so late. The customer had changed their DNS server indeed and the addition of option --skip-name-resolve has successfully solved the problem.

Thank you very much and apologize again.