Bug #18111 enable/disable utility on constraint
Submitted: 9 Mar 2006 15:58 Modified: 9 Mar 2006 16:11
Reporter: Cagatay Ozpolat Email Updates:
Status: Not a Bug Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version: OS:
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[9 Mar 2006 15:58] Cagatay Ozpolat

I think that there should be disable/enable utility on constraints. Especially Referential Integrities.
I can give you three real example. On a project, I'm working on it, We need disabled Foreign keys.
1) Many projects are developing using Object Orient architecture but mapping on Relational Databases.
In this case, some times one column may referencing more than one columns. And we need disable Foreign keys. This is mandatory since sometimes we maintain datas on databases and we trace records on databases using disable / enable referential integrities.
2) If mysql want to serve as distributed database, this disable constraint utility should be exist. Some projects uses distributed databases with same schema, but because of some application policies some datas do not replicate to other databases. Because of this reason each constraints couldn't be enabled. This constraint checking is made in application codes.
3) Enable disable constraint utility is very helpful for Database Administrators(DBAs). Since for bulk data insertion/deletion/import/export actions DBAs use this utility.
Disable constraints. 
Delete datas.
Insert/import datas
Enable constraints

As a Result:
If mysql get enable/disable utility on its constraints this will be very advantage for itself.

Best Regards..
Cagatay Ozpolat

How to repeat:
This is not bug. Feature request. Web intrude to fill this part.
[9 Mar 2006 16:11] MySQL Verification Team
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