Bug #18061 Reverse Engineering - jTDS "install" is a mystry
Submitted: 8 Mar 2006 7:50 Modified: 14 Aug 2006 14:52
Reporter: Carl Karsten (Silver Quality Contributor) Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Preview Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:1.0.5.beta OS:Windows (win)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[8 Mar 2006 7:50] Carl Karsten
I think I installed jtds-1.0.2.jar, WB gave me a dialog:

"The application needs to be restarted. Please click on [Close] to close the application."

I did, ran WB and it still says "Driver not attached"

How to repeat:
menu, database, Reverse engineering, select MS SQL, hit "Locate Driver on Harddisk", locate it, hit "Close" to close WB, run WB, menu, database, Reverse engineering, select MS SQL - see "Driver not attached" in red.

Suggested fix:
I sugess you fix it.  ;)
[28 Mar 2006 17:11] Fernando Arias
Same problem with this. It also doesn't work with version 1.2 of jTDS.
[19 Jul 2006 10:53] Sveta Smirnova
We have duplicate bug #21140
[19 Jul 2006 12:25] Alf Christophersen
Same problem happens also with all other database drivers except MySAL
[14 Aug 2006 14:29] Gary Mailer
Is there any movement on this issue?
[14 Aug 2006 14:52] Michael G. Zinner
The jtds was updated to jtds-1.2.jar

As the Migration Toolkit is built and shipped with a specific version of the driver the reference to the exact file name is required. It can be adjusted in the file ./lua/RdbmsInfoMssql.lua, Ln295

  grtV.insert(driver.files, "jtds-1.2.jar")