Bug #17821 User administration broken for server 5.1.7
Submitted: 1 Mar 2006 9:42 Modified: 30 Aug 2006 11:40
Reporter: Peter Laursen (Basic Quality Contributor) Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Administrator Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:adm. 1.1.9 + server 5.1.7 OS:Windows (WinXP)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: User Management

[1 Mar 2006 9:42] Peter Laursen
user management broken with server release 5.1.7

How to repeat:
Create user .. can be done
Try to edit user and attached msgbox pops up.

Suggested fix:
don't know ...
[1 Mar 2006 9:44] Peter Laursen
popup occurs when clicking on user

Attachment: user.jpg (image/jpeg, text), 9.58 KiB.

[1 Mar 2006 11:14] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for a problem report. Please, specify, what exactly did you try to do when "editing user". I was able to assign schema privileges to a newly created user on 5.1.6-alpha without any problems. Did you installed a fresh 5.1.7 version or upgraded from some previous one?
[1 Mar 2006 11:30] Peter Laursen
It is a completely fresh installation.  I have had all versions from 5.1.3 to 5.1.6 installed before.  The FTP mirror from where i got 5.1.7 has only a 'no-install' for Windows.  I unzipped and replaced all files in /mySQLmySQL server5.1.  Also the /datadir is completely fresh.

With MySQL administrator I selected the 'max-nt' binary, corresponding config-files, base directory etc and started server(I don't start the service with OS start-up as I have 3.58, 4.0, 5,1, 5,0 and 5.1 installed at the same time as I need that professionally), and started server.  This procedure for switching between servers has functioned fine over the lst about 2 years.

I did not run any program or script like mysql_update or mysql_fix_privileges.sql, and as I did not think that I need to in this situation.  Will I need?

I also could use MySQL Adminstrator for user management with all 5.1.3 to 5.1.6 servers! The problems are new as of MySQL 5.1.7.

Third-party graphical client SQLyog can edit user privileges, but it is not complete.  (supports user privileges as of 4.0 - not the ones added later).
[1 Mar 2006 11:33] Peter Laursen
let me add that everything with the server seems to work fine.  Even the issues that I had with events and partions with previous 5.1.x releases.
[1 Mar 2006 12:22] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for the additional information. So, it is 5.1.7-related really
[8 Mar 2006 17:46] Brett Soldano
I am using adm 1.1.9 + server 5.0.18 with Win2000 and receive the same error.
[2 Apr 2006 13:48] Valeriy Kravchuk
As you upgraded from 5.1.6 to 5.1.7, yes, you have to run mysql_upgrade. It is documented (http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/news-5-1-7.html and http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/upgrade.html):

"- Some releases of MySQL introduce incompatible changes to tables. (Our aim is to avoid these changes, but occasionally they are necessary to correct problems that would be worse than an incompatibility between releases.) Some releases of MySQL introduce changes to the structure of the grant tables to add new privileges or features.

To avoid problems due to such changes, after you upgrade to a new version of MySQL, you should check your tables (and repair them if necessary), and update your grant tables to make sure that they have the current structure so that you can take advantage of any new capabilities. See Section 5.5.2, “mysql_upgrade — Check Tables for MySQL Upgrade”."

5.1.7 is just one of this releases. So, please, try to run this script and then use MySQL Administrator again. Inform about the results.
[2 Apr 2006 13:56] Valeriy Kravchuk
Oh, sorry, if it is really fresh installation, script is not needed. So, please, check again is it a fresh installation. I just found that mine was 5.1.6-aplha (and MySQL Administrator works), not 5.1.7 as expected.

MySQL Administrator 1.1.9 works OK with 5.0.19 on Windows.
[2 Apr 2006 15:39] Peter Laursen
I am not sure what you want me to do now ... :-)

I have had my System restored from a 2 months old backup image for another reason.  After I installed MySQL 5.1.7 on this I cannot reproduce the problem anymore.

So .. what do do form here ...  I think 5.1.8 or 5.l.9 must be out soon.  So any problem related to 5.1.7 is maybe not worth spending more time with ...
[6 Apr 2006 8:04] Valeriy Kravchuk
"After I installed MySQL 5.1.7 on this I cannot reproduce the problem anymore."

The question is: is it possible to repeat this problem with fresh installation of 5.1.7? Have you got a repeatable problem? If no, we can close it as "can't repeat".
[6 Apr 2006 8:17] Valeriy Kravchuk
Sorry, no more questions. Verified just as described with fresh installation of 5.1.7-beta. Same error when trying to edit any new user's information.
[6 Apr 2006 10:30] Peter Laursen
And the funny thing is that now - after a restore of my systems partition from a backup and installing 5.1.7 here - I cannot reproduce anymore :-)

So now it is yours alone :-)
[22 Apr 2006 23:37] Peter Laursen
No problem now either with the freshly available MySQL 5.1.9.

But of course I am not able to tell if problem had persisted if I had not restored my system from a backup.
[7 Jun 2006 13:19] Peter Laursen
Still not reproducable here with server 5.1.9 and (the freshly available) server 5.1.11 and MA 1.1.9.  User administration is still OK ...
[30 Aug 2006 11:36] Valeriy Kravchuk
Can't repeat with MySQL 5.1.11 and MySQL Administrator 1.2.2 beta any more.
[30 Aug 2006 11:40] Peter Laursen
Let's close this one as nobody are able to reproduce wiht recent program versions!

Time is spent better with other issues!