Bug #17372 MySQL still shows as MySQL-max
Submitted: 14 Feb 2006 11:09 Modified: 2 May 2006 19:25
Reporter: Markus Popp Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Documentation Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.1.6 OS:Windows (Windows XP)
Assigned to: Paul DuBois CPU Architecture:Any

[14 Feb 2006 11:09] Markus Popp
SELECT version() still shows -max.

How to repeat:
mysql> SELECT version();
| version()          |
| 5.1.6-alpha-nt-max |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
[14 Feb 2006 15:28] MySQL Verification Team

Looking in our download page:

# The Standard binaries are recommended for most users
# The Max version includes additional features that have not been exhaustively tested or are not required for general usage. When these features have matured and proven to be stable, they will be incorporated into future releases of the Standard binaries.

For example you have only Partition support with the max server. Why you
think the -max should not showed:

c:\mysql\bin>mysqld-nt -V
mysqld-nt  Ver 5.1.7-beta-nt for Win32 on ia32 (Source distribution)

c:\mysql\bin>mysqld-max-nt -V
mysqld-max-nt  Ver 5.1.7-beta-nt-max for Win32 on ia32 (Source distribution)


Thanks in advance.
[14 Feb 2006 15:38] Markus Popp
The change history of 5.1.6: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/news-5-1-6.html says that there shouldn't be a max server anymore, because the max server is supposed to become the default and only version, without explicitly naming -max in the version name anymore.
[14 Feb 2006 15:42] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the feedback.
[29 Mar 2006 10:47] Kent Boortz
This has actually changed since this release note was written.
There will be a "max" (maybe renamed before GA not to be
confused with MaxDB) to enable MySQL AB to get testing of
really experimental features.

It is still the case that for the MySQL non-max server in the
community package most engines will be enabled, i.e. very 
similar to the old "max".

The page should be updated to reflect this
[2 May 2006 19:25] Paul DuBois
Thank you for your bug report. This issue has been addressed in the
documentation. The updated documentation will appear on our website
shortly, and will be included in the next release of the relevant

Additional info:

mysqld-max was removed in 5.1.6, and restored in 5.1.9.

I've updated these pages:
