Bug #1730 DATE Data constrain
Submitted: 1 Nov 2003 0:55 Modified: 4 Oct 2005 11:58
Reporter: Giuliano Lotta Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:4.0.16 OS:Windows (Windows 2000)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[1 Nov 2003 0:55] Giuliano Lotta
Create a table (MyIsam, InnoDB,...) with a DATE field. Enter in the date filed a _wrong_ date:

2003-11-31 (!)
2003-02-30 (!!)
2003-02-31 (!!!)

the server (mysql-max) accept it like it would be a valid date !!

Giuliano Lotta

How to repeat:
For creating the table an check the error I used che control center 0.9.3 beta

Just follow the description.

Suggested fix:
The only check is done in the present realese, is if the month is littler/equal of 12, and il the day is littler/equal of 31, for ALL the months !!

Is should at least be checked relations between day<-> month, i.e. a few lines code like:
siwtch { 
case february: ;  
case november, april, june, september: 
default: ;

or better a code that implement a check boudary also on february/bisestile years !!
[1 Nov 2003 8:01] Dean Ellis
I am changing this to a Feature Request, as MySQL's limited validity testing on date values is documented behaviour.  You may read more about it here:


Thank you
[4 Oct 2005 11:58] Hartmut Holzgraefe
In 4.1 you'll get at least a warning when trying to insert impossible values,
in 5.0 you can even force errors with "sql_mode=TRADITIONAL"