Bug #17157 pkg install on Solaris doesn't reject a user 'mysql' in group 'mysql2'
Submitted: 6 Feb 2006 14:53 Modified: 8 Mar 2006 2:22
Reporter: Carsten Segieth Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Installing Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.0.17a-cert OS:Solaris (Solaris10)
Assigned to: Kent Boortz CPU Architecture:Any

[6 Feb 2006 14:53] Carsten Segieth
The new check during the .pkg install, whether a user 'mysql' in a group 'mysql' exists, doesn't see that the group name of the user 'mysql' is e.g. 'mysql2'.

So the installation starts but shows a lot of errors like:

pkgadd: ERROR: unable to create package object </opt/mysql/mysql/data>.
    group name <mysql> not found in group table(s)

If the user / group does not exist an error is shown and the install doesn't start.

How to repeat:
# remove existing group / user
sudo userdel mysql
sudo groupdel mysql
sudo groupdel mysql2

# check that no user / group exists
grep mysql /etc/passwd /etc/group

# create a local group and a user in this group
sudo groupadd -g 14711 mysql2
sudo useradd  -g 14711 -d /export/home/mysql -c "testing the installations" mysql

# start installation
sudo pkgadd -d mysql-pro-gpl-cert-5.0.17a-solaris10-x86_64.pkg

Suggested fix:
make group name check more accurate