Bug #17125 Server crash on statement run twice
Submitted: 4 Feb 2006 21:44 Modified: 5 Feb 2006 13:25
Reporter: Tihauan Dragos Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:5.0.16-nt OS:Wndows 2003 Std
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[4 Feb 2006 21:44] Tihauan Dragos
mysql version : 5.0.16-nt
engine : INNODB
collate : utf8 - utf8_romanian_ci
OS: win2003 server std

mySQL crashes at "select * from lista_co" second run
first run of the statement is ok

sql ran to create view:
CREATE VIEW `lista_co` AS
`contracte`.`CO_TIP` AS 'Tip',
`contracte`.`CO_DATA` AS 'Data',
`contracte`.`CO_SERIE` AS 'Serie',
(SELECT `agenti`.`AG_NUME` FROM `agenti` WHERE `agenti`.`ID`=`contracte`.`CO_AG`) AS 'Agent',
`sucursale`.`SU_NUME` AS 'Sucursala',
(SELECT `contactepf`.`PF_NUME` FROM `contactepf` WHERE `contactepf`.`ID`=`contracte`.`CO_PF`) AS 'Contact PF',
(SELECT `contactepf`.`PF_TEL` FROM `contactepf` WHERE `contactepf`.`ID`=`contracte`.`CO_PF`) AS 'Tel. contact',
(SELECT `contactepj`.`PJ_NUME` FROM `contactepj` WHERE `contactepj`.`ID`=`contracte`.`CO_PJ`) AS 'Contact PJ',
`contracte`.`CO_EXCLUSIV` AS 'Exclusivitate',
`contracte`.`CO_START` AS 'Incepe din',
`contracte`.`CO_END` AS 'Expira la'

How to repeat:
run "select * from lista_co" twice
[5 Feb 2006 11:55] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report.
I was unable to repeat this issue with current released server 5.0.18.
Please update and test again.
[5 Feb 2006 13:25] Tihauan Dragos
Update to 5.0.18 solved the problem. I think that the bug is related to http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=15268