Bug #17008 API node crashes on import
Submitted: 1 Feb 2006 15:26 Modified: 16 Mar 2006 16:35
Reporter: Arne Hüggenberg Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:mysql-5.1-new OS:Linux (Gentoo Linux AMD64)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[1 Feb 2006 15:26] Arne Hüggenberg
current bk checkout of mysql-5.1-new branch
freshly setup mysqld (mysql_install_db)
ndbd --initial
Import Dump 
API node crashes

How to repeat:
Happens on every import
[1 Feb 2006 15:29] Arne Hüggenberg
some mysqlbug output

Attachment: mysql_bug (application/octet-stream, text), 3.54 KiB.

[1 Feb 2006 16:17] Arne Hüggenberg
category cluster not available when initially reporting

happens only when tables are NDB
[2 Feb 2006 3:54] Stewart Smith
What are any errors in the error logs?

Starting a new cluster (--initial) when mysqld has open references to cluster tables can cause problems.

Stopping mysqld, ndb --initial, start mysqld
should fix your problem.
[2 Feb 2006 14:24] Arne Hüggenberg
unfortunatly it doesent, the mysqld were freshly started in each test.

db2a ~ # ndb_mgmd-501 -f /var/lib/mysql-cluster/config.ini
db2a ~ # ndbd-501 --initial
db2b ~ # ndbd-501 --ndb-connectstring=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx --initial
db2a ~ # /etc/init.d/mysql-501 start
db2b ~ # /etc/init.d/mysql-501 start
db2a ~ # ndb_mgm-501
-- NDB Cluster -- Management Client --
ndb_mgm> show
Connected to Management Server at: localhost:1186
Cluster Configuration
[ndbd(NDB)]     2 node(s)
id=2    @xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx  (Version: 5.1.6, Nodegroup: 0, Master)
id=3    @xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx  (Version: 5.1.6, Nodegroup: 0)

[ndb_mgmd(MGM)] 1 node(s)
id=1    @xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx  (Version: 5.1.6)

[mysqld(API)]   2 node(s)
id=4    @xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx  (Version: 5.1.6)
id=5    @xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx  (Version: 5.1.6)

db2b mysql-cluster # mysql-501 --socket /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock < statistik_handball_entwicklung.ndb
ERROR 2013 (HY000) at line 302: Lost connection to MySQL server during query

API doing the import has crashed at this point
[3 Feb 2006 6:28] Stewart Smith
okay - please post the backtrace from the mysqld crash. You can get instructions for submitting a correct backtrace from the manual.
[8 Feb 2006 17:04] Arne Hüggenberg
updated the bk tree today, issue persists.

Heres my first try at producing a backtrace, hope i didnt mess it up too bad ;-)
[9 Feb 2006 13:27] Hartmut Holzgraefe
Couldn't reproduce this locally (SuSE 9.3 x86) or on our 64bit test machines running RHEL on amd64
[9 Feb 2006 14:47] Arne Hüggenberg
Issue persists after updating both the System and the MySQL Src Tree today

Should i redo the gdb dumps with the new Version?
Were they useful in the first place?
Anything else?
[9 Feb 2006 14:48] Arne Hüggenberg
the actual gdb dump

Attachment: mysqld_gdb.log (application/octet-stream, text), 7.59 KiB.

[9 Feb 2006 14:49] Arne Hüggenberg
Just noticed i uploaded the wrong file yesterday
[22 Feb 2006 16:18] Arne Hüggenberg
After some additional testing today i have some further observations:

Dump, around line 302 (where the import crashes)

CREATE TABLE `spieler_detail_long` (
  `pk_spieler_detail_long` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `fk_spieler` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `fk_spieler_attrib` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `eintrag` text,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`pk_spieler_detail_long`)

leads to the already described crash of the Importing mysqld.

Changing it to

CREATE TABLE `spieler_detail_long` (
  `pk_spieler_detail_long` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `fk_spieler` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `fk_spieler_attrib` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `eintrag` varchar(255),
  PRIMARY KEY  (`pk_spieler_detail_long`)

the Import works fine.

For the time being i'd call this an acceptable workaround for me.
[14 Mar 2006 13:17] Jonas Oreland

I retested on latest bk-source (2006-03-14, 5.1.8) wo/ problem.

There has been a lot of bug fixes done in this area of the code, so I suspect
  that this issue has been fixed.

Can you please test it again...

[16 Mar 2006 16:35] Arne Hüggenberg
Just verified that issue is fixed on current BK Tree.