Bug #16719 Memory read access violation
Submitted: 23 Jan 2006 5:17 Modified: 25 Feb 2006 17:12
Reporter: Kunal Chowdhury Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Query Browser Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:1.1.19 OS:Windows (Windows XP SP2)
Assigned to: MySQL Verification Team CPU Architecture:Any

[23 Jan 2006 5:17] Kunal Chowdhury
Query Browser commits a memory access violtaion for events:
1. Dragging the window.
2. Clicking on the menu
3. Expanding 'test' schema.

Error reads: Access violation at address 005BC79C in module 'MySQLQueryBrowser.exe'. Read of address 00000000

I am using InnoDB tables.

How to repeat:
On Win XP SP2 machine:

Install MySQL, configure instance as developer machine, transactional database only, decision support (DSS)/OLAP, TCP/IP enabled on port: 3306, enable strict mode, standard character set, install as service, include bin dirs in PATH.

install mySQL administrator ver 1.1.7

run administrator and enable support for InnoDB

install mySQL QB ver 1.1.19

run QB and try to drag the window.
[23 Jan 2006 10:47] MySQL Verification Team
Sorry I was unable to repeat or I didn't understand well your instructions,
which windows did you try to drag and if possible to show that action
with a screenshot please provide it.

Thanks in advance.
[31 Jan 2006 18:04] Jeff Hunnicutt
Same issue here. Just installed on MySQL Query Manager on Win2003. Upon opening the program, The program will hang and not respond to any clicks, but will terminate if I close the program by clicking the upper right x. I get the same error message that the original poster supplied.
[31 Jan 2006 22:30] pär fröberg
I have the same problem
"Access violation at address 005bc79c in module 'MySqlBrowser.exe' Read of address 00000000"

Just installed MySql 5.0.18, MySql Administrator 1.1.7 and MySql Query Browser 1.1.19 on my Win XP Home (SP2). 
When installing MySql I used the default values all the way...
[13 Feb 2006 11:47] Guillermo D.A
I´ve the same problem. SO: Windows XP Pro SP2. Software: MySQL Query Browser 1.1.19 and mysqld Ver 4.1.12 (running in Debian / Ubuntu Linux). When I start the MySQL Query i´ve the error "Access violation at address 005BC79C in module 'MySQLQueryBrowser.exe'. Read of address 00000000". When i close the program with X in up-left i´ve a crash in the software. I am debbug with the XP log reporter and i´ve this error: "The instruction at "0x0040404e" referenced memory at "0x52444849". The memory could not be "read"."
[14 Feb 2006 4:51] Hooman Katirai
Same problem. Windows XP SP2. I have a suspicion that this problem is related to a missing font. It used to work fine, but all of a sudden, the system reverted to an ugly font. The same access violation occurs in the status bar. I can't click any menu items, but the system is responsive to the closing of a window by clicking on the "X" in the corner.
[16 Feb 2006 15:16] Robert Goodayle
Same problem on a windows 2000 server with version 1.1.19
Have installed version 1.1.20 and now have the error message "access violation at address 005bc7b4 in module 'MySqlBrowser.exe'. Read of address 00000000"

I have run both version of the Query Browser under Windows XP sp2 Professional with no problems.
[24 Feb 2006 0:00] Bugs System
No feedback was provided for this bug for over a month, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to "Open".
[25 Feb 2006 16:45] Kunal Chowdhury
The problem did not occur when installers from other mirrors were used. I had originally used the singapore mirror to download the installer files.
[25 Feb 2006 17:12] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the feedback and according your last comment
issue resolved with different mirror download.