Bug #16275 On WinXP Pro, Version 5 of connector does not work, but V3.5 does
Submitted: 7 Jan 2006 9:55 Modified: 11 Apr 2007 6:06
Reporter: Earl Baxter Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:Connector / ODBC Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.0.0 OS:Windows (Windows XP Pro)
Assigned to: Jess Balint CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: ODBC5-RC

[7 Jan 2006 9:55] Earl Baxter
I am new to MySQL, but have selected it to build an eCommerce website because the Microsoft SQL/Studio installations are so difficult to get working in Win 2003 and Windows XP Pro. My development system consists of a Win 2003 SBS server with XP and Win '98 clients.

I was very pleased to find that MySQL 5.0 worked straight out-of-the-box (downloaded), and after adding the migration tool, I was easily able to move my database from Access to MySQL.

Problem came when I tried to set-up <mysql-connector-odbc-5.0.0-alpha-win32.msi> on one of my XP PRO machines. 

The Ver 5 mysql connector seemed to work and allowed me to create a System DSN using the MS ODBC admin tool, the DSN did seem to work as the SQL admin tool confirmed that a connection was made to the test data.

The problem came when I tried to use this DSN name in an application. The Microsoft ODBC dialogs just did not seem to recognise any DNS name created with the sql connector V5 tools. I tried using both FrontPage 2003 and Dreamweaver MX but niether of these applications could "see" the data tables. I tried every possible combination of logins and passwords including "root" and "anonymous."

In the end I gave up, uninstalled <mysql-connector-odbc-5.0.0-alpha-win32.msi> and installed <mysql-connector-odbc-3.51.12-win32.zip> instead. 

The 3.51 version seems to work perfectly and appears to fully integrate with the Windows ODBC admin tool, which recognised DSNs created with it.

I would appreciate some feedback if anyone else has experienced this.

How to repeat:
Use mysql-connector-odbc-5.0.0-alpha-win32.msi, with standard configuration on a Windows XP PRO system. MySQL V5.0 already running.
[8 Jan 2006 13:29] Peter Laursen
I just can add that MyODBC 5 won't install on either of my two WinXP (HOME - Danish) SP2 systems.
[24 Apr 2006 23:30] Danny Holstein
I've had the same problem, I wrote a C application (API between LabView and MySQL, actually) and couldn't connect with the following code--compiled with the MS compiler (free Toolkit 2003):

     sprintf(ConnStr, "DSN=%s;UID=%s;PWD=%s;XSM=%s", host, user, passwd, db);
     if (SQLDriverConnect(hdbc, NULL, ConnStr, strlen(ConnStr), ConnStrOut, 1024, NULL, SQL_DRIVER_NOPROMPT) != SQL_SUCCESS) {...

When I tried connecting through Excel, I had an error pop up -- it looked like some M$ C code had handled a similar exception.

Everything works fine with 3.51 as has been stated.

[11 Apr 2007 6:06] Jess Balint
Should be fixed. If not, please open new, detailed bug report.