Bug #15948 recent versions not available on archives page
Submitted: 23 Dec 2005 0:52 Modified: 5 Apr 2006 21:05
Reporter: Timothy Smith Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Packaging Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version: OS:
Assigned to: Kent Boortz CPU Architecture:Any

[23 Dec 2005 0:52] Timothy Smith
Recent (but not the most current) versions of MySQL are not linked to from anywhere.  For example, the most recent version of 4.1 available on our archives page is 4.1.14a:


But the version available on our main downloads page is 4.1.16:


So, there's no place to get 4.1.15.  It *is* available on our downloads mirrors, if you know to type in the URL directly.  But that doesn't help the vast majority of users.

A similar story can be told for 5.0 (no way to get 5.0.14 - 5.0.16).

How to repeat:
Go to www.mysql.com.  Try to get version 4.1.15.  (Well, by the time you read this, I'm sure the versions will be different.  Try to get the penultimate version of the latest GA release.)

Suggested fix:
Seems like a bug in whatever program moves files from the main downloads site to the archives site.  I think it would be best if we put the current release on the archives page as well, as soon as it is published.  That would avoid any such problems.

If that is undesirable, e.g., the archives server gets hit too heavily with people downloading the current version, then at least ensure that when a new version comes out, the previous version is automatically listed on the archives page.
[5 Apr 2006 21:05] Kent Boortz
To solve this now, the procedure to upload releases are changed.
Soon there will be a package publishing system that will handle
this in a more automatic way.