Bug #15697 Fail in performing reverseEngineer for Views
Submitted: 13 Dec 2005 2:16 Modified: 13 Jun 2006 14:06
Reporter: kakin83 kakin83 Email Updates:
Status: Won't fix Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Migration Toolkit Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:1.0.21 rc OS:Windows (WinXP)
Assigned to: Michael G. Zinner CPU Architecture:Any

[13 Dec 2005 2:16] kakin83 kakin83
ReverseEngineeringMysqlJdbc.reverseEngineer :The function ReverseEngineeringMysql:reverseEngineer() returned the following error:
Could not execute SHOW CREATE VIEW statement.

How to repeat:
I suppose it migrates a database with views to another.
[20 Dec 2005 15:44] Aleksey Kishkin
It doesn't look loke feature request but rather bugreport. requalified to S3
[22 Dec 2005 11:31] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for a problem report. I've just tried to migrate test database from MySQL 5.0.15-nt on XP, containing 6 views, and I've got no problems with reverse engineering. So, please, specify the version of MySQL server you are trying to migrate from.
[22 Dec 2005 12:33] kakin83 kakin83
I migrate my database WITH VIEW from one machine to ANOTHER machine. I can migrate my data WITHIN the same machine without problem (with different ports, one is MySQL 4.1, another is MySQL 5.0), but I cannot migrate across two machines (both are with MySQL 5.0 installed). 

Please advise~
[22 Dec 2005 14:51] MySQL Verification Team
If I understood well, do you want to migrate from 5.0.XX server which
contents views to another server 4.1.XX running on another machine?

Thanks in advance.
[22 Dec 2005 14:57] kakin83 kakin83
no, it is ... if I migrate databases from and to within the SAME machine, it works FINE (and I can tell they are of different versions, one is 4.1 and another is 5.0 for my case this time)

however, if I migrate databases from and to ACROSS DIFFERENT machines, it CANNOT work (and for this case, both my pair are using 5.0)

You can assume all the database I use for testing is the same one with one simple view.

Please advise~
[22 Dec 2005 15:18] MySQL Verification Team
Below the report failed when trying to migrate from XP to linux with an username
different to root.

-- MySQL Migration Toolkit Report                                             --
--                                                                            --
-- Title:   Summary Of The Migration Process                                  --
-- Date:    2005-12-22 13:15                                                  --

1. Schema Migration

  Number of migrated schemata: 1

  Schema Name:            db8
  - Tables:               1
  - Views:                1
  - Routines:             0
  - Routine Groups:       0
  - Synonyms:             0
  - Structured Types:     0
  - Sequences:            0


  - Tables
  - Views
          You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW ' at line 2

  - Routines
  - Routine Groups
  - Synonyms
  - Structured Types
  - Sequences
[13 Jun 2006 14:06] Michael G. Zinner
The Migration Toolkit does not analyze or transform the SQL CREATE VIEW statement that is returned from the server. This is out of the scope of the 1.x version of the tool.

Please use the same user name with the same privileges as workaround.