Bug #15474 Optimal estimates
Submitted: 5 Dec 2005 2:09 Modified: 14 Jun 2013 18:48
Reporter: keith allpress Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version: OS:Any
Assigned to: Matthew Lord CPU Architecture:Any

[5 Dec 2005 2:09] keith allpress
I would presume that single-pass methods are being used internally for the mean and standard deviation functions.  As an extension of these statistics, I would like to have exposed useful internal optimally estimated parameters such as the predicted value, the cumulative error estimates, Kalman gain etc.

How to repeat:
feature request
[14 Jun 2013 18:48] Matthew Lord
Hi Keith,

Thank you for the feature request, and for helping to make MySQL even better!

I'm closing this for now, as it's not clear to me exactly what you're requesting.

If you can elaborate more about what you'd like, in the context of MySQL 5.6 and 5.7, then I'll be happy to re-open it.

Thanks again!