Bug #1544 Application Error while opening mySql Control Center
Submitted: 13 Oct 2003 16:08 Modified: 8 Dec 2003 16:19
Reporter: Tahir Khan Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQLCC Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:0.9.3 OS:Windows (Windows2000)
Assigned to: Jorge del Conde CPU Architecture:Any

[13 Oct 2003 16:08] Tahir Khan
I installed the control center, created the database and a few tables. 
Background: I am using the ODBC driver provided on the website to connect the front-end (.Net) to the database. Although this has little relevance to the problem that I am having.
Exact error description:
While opening the control center a window comes up with the caption "Application Error". The description is: "The instruction at 0x39ee1141 referenced memory at 0x000000a9. The memory could not be read

Click on ok to terminate the program
Click on Cancel to debug the program.

I believe this is a memory leak

How to repeat:
Install mySql control center on Windows2000. 

Suggested fix:
I think it is a memory leak. Object clean up should do the trick
[13 Oct 2003 17:22] John Rae
I'm running Win98, and had a similar problem.  The program starts up with an empty window (Menu options up the top, is all).  There is a scroll bar at the bottom.  Clicking the scroll bar right arrow causes an "illegal operaiton" error window, with "General Protection Fault" info under the "Details" button.  Is "object cleanup" relevant under Win98 (I'm not real strong at this level)? If yes, how to do it?
[13 Oct 2003 18:31] Tahir Khan
The app itself (mysql control center) is causing the memory leak (an invalid pointer could very well be the case). When I reported the bug, there was a column asking me for a suggested fix. This is where I mentioned object clean-up to the developers of the control center from my knowledge of developing software. If you have the time, then you could download the source, compile it and step through the code. Remember the control center is still in beta, so bugs or kinks like these are inevitable. Hope I answered your question.
[17 Oct 2003 7:45] Tahir Khan
Oops! I don't think it is a mem leak, but an invalid pointer (maybe?)
[17 Oct 2003 9:28] MySQL Verification Team
I guess that your problem is the same of bug:


please remove the directory Connections mentioned in the above bug and
try again, create a new connection with a valid user name and password.

If it is the problem let me know for to change the status of this bug
report to duplicate.
[8 Dec 2003 16:19] Jorge del Conde
Thank you for your bug report. This issue has been committed to our
source repository of that product and will be incorporated into the
next release.

If necessary, you can access the source repository and build the latest
available version, including the bugfix, yourself. More information 
about accessing the source trees is available at