Bug #1535 It seems MySQL runs in 16-bit Windows mode on my Windows XP Pro system
Submitted: 11 Oct 2003 21:17 Modified: 11 Oct 2003 23:52
Reporter: Allan Wilson Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Installing Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:4.0.15 OS:Windows (WinXP Pro)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[11 Oct 2003 21:17] Allan Wilson
I've checked for others reporting this problem, but found nothing, so here goes...

I tried to install MySQL 4.0.15 that I downloaded from www.mysql.com today. First, setup.exe failed saying either setup.exe or a component it needed was missing. I downloaded everything again: same problem. I rebooted. Same problem.

I downloaded the "no install" version, unzipped it to c:\mysql and ran winMySQLadmin 1.4. It came up immediately and everything (to this MySQL novice) seems fine; however, when I run Task Manager I see the following:


This says MySQL is using the 16-bit Windows subsystem.

Am I doing something wrong or was the software I downloaded generated with the wrong libraries or whatever?

Thanks for your help.

Allan Wilson

How to repeat:
Download and reinstall on Windows XP Pro (with SP1 and the latest patches).

The tray icon for winMySQLadmin is present and everything seems to be working fine; again, however, mysqld-nt.exe (started by winMySQLadmin) seems to need wowexec.exe to run.

Suggested fix:
1) Tell me what I'm doing wrong...   :-)

2) Rebuild MySQL for Windows 32 using the 32-bit libraries.


[11 Oct 2003 22:19] Allan Wilson
I just changed from the winMySQLadmin default of mysqld-nt to mysqld-max. Now the wowexec is gone. I assume I am now using the win32 version, right?


[11 Oct 2003 22:23] MySQL Verification Team
I can say you that MySQL is a 32 bit stuff. So something unknown 
environment condition it's happening in your box ( I ran the same
MySQL version extracted from the same package you had mentioned
on XP and Win200 Server Os's versions). Then please do the 

Right click the start menu -> Explore -> Start Menu -> Programs

Remove the short cut for WinMySQLAdmin if it exists.
Reboot the machine.
Open a DOS prompt screen and go to c:\mysql\bin directory.
Do the following command: mysqld-nt --remove
The above is for to remove the service if it exists.
Now take a look if exists the c:\windows\my.ini file.
If exists edit it in that way you only left the below lines:


Save the above file.

Now at the same prompt do:

mysqld-max-nt --standalone --console

and verify if you see something like this:

e:\servers\mysql-4.0.15\bin\mysqld-max-nt: ready for connections.
Version: '4.0.15-max-nt'  socket: ''  port: 3306

or please write for us, what error message is displayed.
[11 Oct 2003 22:53] Allan Wilson
ID:               1535
 Updated by:       Miguel Solorzano
 Reported by:      Allan Wilson
 User Type:        User
-Originating List: 
+Originating List: General
-Status:           Open
+Status:           Need Feedback
 Severity:         Non-critical
 Priority:         Medium
 Category:         Server: Installing
 Operating System: WinXP Pro
 Version:          4.0.15
 New Comment:

I can say you that MySQL is a 32 bit stuff. So something unknown 
environment condition it's happening in your box ( I ran the same MySQL version extracted from the same package you had mentioned on XP and Win200 Server Os's versions). Then please do the 

Right click the start menu -> Explore -> Start Menu -> Programs

Remove the short cut for WinMySQLAdmin if it exists.
Reboot the machine.
Open a DOS prompt screen and go to c:\mysql\bin directory.
Do the following command: mysqld-nt --remove
The above is for to remove the service if it exists.
Now take a look if exists the c:\windows\my.ini file.
If exists edit it in that way you only left the below lines:


Save the above file.

Now at the same prompt do:

mysqld-max-nt --standalone --console

and verify if you see something like this:

e:\servers\mysql-4.0.15\bin\mysqld-max-nt: ready for connections.
Version: '4.0.15-max-nt'  socket: ''  port: 3306

or please write for us, what error message is displayed.


I followed your instructions and received exactly the messages above, namely, that mysqld-max-nt is ready for connections (4.0.15-max-nt, socket '' and port 3306).

Therefore it seems like everything is working fine now, and this is confirmed by looking at Task Manager.

Can I now start MySQL as a service? Can I use winMySQLadmin or should I do things "manually" in the future?

Thanks for your quick and thorough help!

[11 Oct 2003 23:17] MySQL Verification Team
All the servers are Win32 applications. Then the next path is to test
and find why the service isn't working well with you.

stop the server with: mysqladmin -uroot shutdown

now install the service with:

mysqld-max-nt --install-manual

try to start it with: net start mysql or using the SCM.

if fails to start then, please say me: are you with Administrator
login privileges ?

if no, then go to SCM and change the local system for an user account
(the same are you had logged).
[11 Oct 2003 23:45] Allan Wilson
(I have been working with an Administrator account...)

I followed your steps and successfully executed the

mysqld-max-nt --install-manual

as recommended. Afterwards I went in and changed it from "manual" to "automatic", so MySQL should start automatically whenever I reboot.

Everything seems fine now. Anything else I need to do or can I just start using MySQL normally? (Can/should/do I need to use winMySQLadmin for anything?)

Thanks again for your help.

[11 Oct 2003 23:52] MySQL Verification Team
You don't need WinMySQLAdmin for to be functional.
Now you need to learn how to enable the InnoDB table, for this read
the Manual about, add the configuration variables for, and remove the
skip-innodb variable.

I am closing this bug report.
[12 Oct 2003 0:21] Allan Wilson
Okay, that sounds good. Things do seem to be working now; I just added some accounts with passwords and did a successful test.

My next task will be getting the InnoDB items set up correctly, as recommended.

Please do close the bug report.

Thanks again for the great help!
