Bug #14951 Add the mysqld-max binary to the Windows Essentials installer
Submitted: 15 Nov 2005 15:33 Modified: 15 Nov 2005 20:11
Reporter: Cornelius Sybrandy Email Updates:
Status: Not a Bug Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:Any OS:Windows (Windows)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[15 Nov 2005 15:33] Cornelius Sybrandy
I'm currently using MySQL 5.0.15 on a project.  We decided to experiment using the Federated storage engine, however since we used the Essentials installer to install the software, we were unable to use this functionality.  Under most situations, this may never occur, however it did in our case and I'm sure that others have/will have the same problem.  The only downside that I see is that the download is a bit larger due to the extra file.

How to repeat:
Install MySQL using the Essentials installer.
Attempt to use the max binary instead of the normal binary.

Suggested fix:
Add the mysqld-max binary to the Windows Essentials installer.  Perhaps be able to select the max binary using the configuration wizard.
[15 Nov 2005 16:22] MySQL Verification Team
Sorry but your suggestion is against of one main reasons why
was created the Essential packages: reducing the download size
and if somebody wants the full features then download the
complete package.
[15 Nov 2005 20:11] Cornelius Sybrandy
If that is the case, then can we make it more clear that the Essentials download does not contain the MAX binary.  From the downloads page: "The Windows download contains both the Standard and Max server binaries."

Granted, this didn't bother me at all, however I can easily see this confusing someone.