Bug #14943 Service crashes on load
Submitted: 15 Nov 2005 11:17 Modified: 27 Sep 2008 12:47
Reporter: Thomas Trautner Email Updates:
Status: Won't fix Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:5.0.15 OS:Windows (Windows 2000 Server)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[15 Nov 2005 11:17] Thomas Trautner
Windows Service crashes serveral times during the day. Before we run Version 4.0.X and all was okay. Querys always the same. I use plain SQL. No features of the new 5.0.x Server (e.g. Views, Transactions). Storage Engine is MyIsam.
I have no Messages in the MySQL-Server-Logs and Windows means (sorry in German):

Der Dienst "MySQL" wurde unerwartet beendet. Dies ist bereits 1 Mal vorgekommen. Folgende Korrekturmaßnahmen werden in 0 Millisekunden durchgeführt: Starten Sie den Dienst neu.. 

In English: unexpected shutdown ID 7031

How to repeat:
I don't know how to repeat. The Querys run on the same Machine at a 4.0.x-Release. It's not every time a query is executed.
[15 Nov 2005 11:24] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for a problem report. Please, describe the upgrade procedure you performed. Any SQL statements that give you that crash, as well as your my.ini content, may be useful too.
[15 Nov 2005 12:54] Thomas Trautner

Hardware: Dell PowerEdge 1750 Dual XEON 1GB Ram

my upgrade procedure:

shut down mysql service
uninstalled the service: mysqld-nt --remove
binaries deleted (was a zip Package without installer)

Installed MySQL_5.0.15.Setup.exe (Binary Version with Installer)

Moved Databases in \Data

Start the Service


Queries is difficult to say. Here Is one. Other looks similar:

SELECT tpt.pass_to, COUNT(*) AS anzahl_weitergabe
FROM t_tracking AS t
LEFT JOIN t_builddate AS b ON t.id = b.id
LEFT JOIN t_wg AS wg ON t.id = wg.id
LEFT JOIN t_remarks AS r ON t.id = r.id
LEFT JOIN t_workstep_definition AS ws ON ws.id = t.id_workstep
LEFT JOIN t_type AS tt ON tt.id = t.id
LEFT JOIN t_type_definition AS ttd ON ttd.id = tt.id_type
LEFT JOIN t_version AS tv ON tv.id = tt.id
LEFT JOIN t_version_definition AS tvd ON tvd.id = tv.id_version
LEFT JOIN t_workstep_na AS twn ON twn.id = t.id
LEFT JOIN t_na_pass_to AS tpt ON tpt.id = t.id
LEFT JOIN t_na_err_found AS tef ON tef.id = t.id 
LEFT JOIN t_errorcodes AS ted ON ted.errorcode = tef.errorcode_found
LEFT JOIN t_image AS timg ON timg.id = t.id
LEFT JOIN t_na_stickpos AS tnaspos ON tnaspos.id = t.id
WHERE t.deleted = '0'
AND t.time BETWEEN 1130799600 AND 1132095599
AND t.id_workstep = 2
AND twn.workstep_na = "SticksWG"
AND tt.id_type = 3
AND tv.id_version = 3
AND tnaspos.Stickposition = "oben"
GROUP BY tpt.pass_to
ORDER BY tpt.pass_to
Result: Lost connection to MySQL server during query
[15 Nov 2005 12:56] Thomas Trautner
Config File

Attachment: my.ini (application/octet-stream, text), 9.50 KiB.

[15 Nov 2005 13:20] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for the additional information. 

It will be good to know the structure (SHOW CREATE TABLE results) for each of the tables involved in the query, as well as number of rows in them. The results of EXPLAIN for the problematic statement may be useful too.

You may upload this information as private file, if you want.
[16 Nov 2005 11:14] Thomas Trautner
Could there be a bug in your bug system?

I`ve added a file yesterday and the status is still "Need Feedback".

Btw. I have tested this on a other machine with WinXP and the same binaries and it's the same: Service shut down on this queries.
[16 Nov 2005 19:20] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for the additional information.

Yes, adding file may not change status... Let me check - may be I'll add a feature request for that.

All your tables are MyISAM... Are you sure they are all OK? Have you checked them? Please, try and inform about the results.
[17 Nov 2005 6:17] Thomas Trautner
After Mysql crashes, some tables have the msg_text that some clients stil conected.
I've repaired the tables and they went all ok. Mysql crashed also with all tables

Btw. I've done a downgrade to 4.1.15 due the continual problems. Now there is all
ok. The queries run, no crash since yesterday, but it don't helps with the problems in 5.0.15
[27 Nov 2005 9:15] Valeriy Kravchuk
Would you, please, give 5.0.15 another try? Please, make a dump of your 4.1.x databases, install a fresh copy of 5.0.15 and restore all your data. Then try to perform your "problematic" queries and inform about the results. 

A lot of problems after upgrade to 5.0.x were caused by simply copying data, that is why I want to check is this also true in your case.
[28 Nov 2005 9:57] Thomas Trautner
It works now with dumped data. When I switch to copied data Mysql crashes.
[29 Nov 2005 15:38] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for the additional test. It is a known problem, that upgrade from 4.1.x other way then dump and restore can cause crashes in many case. We are already started the discussion with the Documentation Team and Developers on this issue.

Can I close this bug report if we eventually decide that the only right way to upgrade is dump and restore, and document this decision in a prominent place?
[30 Nov 2005 6:23] Thomas Trautner
Yes, it's okay for me.
[8 Dec 2005 8:20] Valeriy Kravchuk
Please, look at the main download page: http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/5.0.html. Now we have a warning about the upgrade procedure there, in red.

So, I am closing this report. I hope, the upgrade procedure will be changed/fixed some day later.
[27 Sep 2008 12:47] Konstantin Osipov
I'm not sure if it is still repeatable, but clearly we have no plans to fix this.