Bug #14607 count(substring) cannot return value if we use rollup in group statement
Submitted: 3 Nov 2005 14:25 Modified: 2 Nov 2006 7:02
Reporter: Lu Tao Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.1.7 OS:Linux (Linux, Windows)
Assigned to: Georgi Kodinov CPU Architecture:Any

[3 Nov 2005 14:25] Lu Tao
count(substring) cannot return value if we use rollup in group statement.

How to repeat:

here, the field z01_04 is varchar(12) which has 5 level ,1-2 province,3-4 city,5-6 county,7-9 town,11-12 village
gy means factory
we can get count(distinct substring(z01_04,1,6)) and count(distinct substring(z01_04,1,9)) 's value without ROLLUP,but cannot with  ROLLUP.
mysql>select substring(z01_04,1,4) s,count(distinct substring(z01_04,1,6)) xian,count(distinct substring(z01_04,1,9)) xiang ,count(distinct z01_04) cun,count(z01_04) qy from j601 group by s;
| s    | xian | xiang | cun  | qy   |
| 1401 |   13 |   199 | 1800 | 7733 |
| 1402 |   11 |   147 | 1540 | 8262 |
| 1403 |   11 |   149 | 1216 | 5396 |
| 1404 |    7 |    75 |  920 | 4859 |
| 1405 |    5 |    66 |  643 | 2348 |
| 1406 |    6 |   106 | 1104 | 3876 |
| 1407 |    9 |   126 |  812 | 3288 |
| 1408 |    6 |    87 |  234 |  651 |
| 1409 |    4 |    34 |  161 |  450 |
| 1410 |    9 |   110 | 1168 | 3825 |
| 1411 |    9 |    86 |  279 |  658 |
11 rows in set (0.17 sec)
mysql> select substring(z01_04,1,4) s,count(distinct substring(z01_04,1,6)) xian,count(distinct substring(z01_04,1,9)) xiang ,count(
distinct z01_04) cun,count(z01_04) qy from j601 group by s  WITH ROLLUP;
| s    | xian | xiang | cun  | qy    |
| 1401 |    0 |     0 | 1800 |  7733 |
| 1402 |    0 |     0 | 1540 |  8262 |
| 1403 |    0 |     0 | 1216 |  5396 |
| 1404 |    0 |     0 |  920 |  4859 |
| 1405 |    0 |     0 |  643 |  2348 |
| 1406 |    0 |     0 | 1104 |  3876 |
| 1407 |    0 |     0 |  812 |  3288 |
| 1408 |    0 |     0 |  234 |   651 |
| 1409 |    0 |     0 |  161 |   450 |
| 1410 |    0 |     0 | 1168 |  3825 |
| 1411 |    0 |     0 |  279 |   658 |
| NULL |   90 |  1185 | 9877 | 41346 |
12 rows in set (0.27 sec)

Suggested fix:
count(substring)  return value if we use rollup in group statement.
[3 Nov 2005 14:42] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for a problem report. Please, provide the dump of the table used (j601) or, at least, the "SHOW CREATE TABLE j601" command results.
[4 Nov 2005 4:35] Lu Tao
For table J601 has other information, so I create a new table named J1
mysql> create table J1 as select z01_04 from j601;
Query OK, 41346 rows affected (0.38 sec)
Records: 41346  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> show create table j1;
| Table | Create Table
| j1    | CREATE TABLE `j1` (
  `z01_04` varchar(12) default ''
1 row in set (0.02 sec)

mysql> select * from j1 limit 5;
| z01_04       |
| 140303005202 |
| 140482002206 |
| 140226109200 |
| 140206005205 |
| 140822101212 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select substring(z01_04,1,4) s,count(distinct substring(z01_04,1,6))
    -> xian,count(distinct substring(z01_04,1,9)) xiang ,count(distinct z01_04)
    -> cun,count(z01_04) qy from j1 group by s;
| s    | xian | xiang | cun  | qy   |
| 1401 |   13 |   199 | 1800 | 7733 |
| 1402 |   11 |   147 | 1540 | 8262 |
| 1403 |   11 |   149 | 1216 | 5396 |
| 1404 |    7 |    75 |  920 | 4859 |
| 1405 |    5 |    66 |  643 | 2348 |
| 1406 |    6 |   106 | 1104 | 3876 |
| 1407 |    9 |   126 |  812 | 3288 |
| 1408 |    6 |    87 |  234 |  651 |
| 1409 |    4 |    34 |  161 |  450 |
| 1410 |    9 |   110 | 1168 | 3825 |
| 1411 |    9 |    86 |  279 |  658 |
11 rows in set (0.36 sec)

mysql> select substring(z01_04,1,4) s,count(distinct substring(z01_04,1,6))
    -> xian,count(distinct substring(z01_04,1,9)) xiang ,count(distinct z01_04)
    -> cun,count(z01_04) qy  from j1 group by s with rollup;
| s    | xian | xiang | cun  | qy    |
| 1401 |    0 |     0 | 1800 |  7733 |
| 1402 |    0 |     0 | 1540 |  8262 |
| 1403 |    0 |     0 | 1216 |  5396 |
| 1404 |    0 |     0 |  920 |  4859 |
| 1405 |    0 |     0 |  643 |  2348 |
| 1406 |    0 |     0 | 1104 |  3876 |
| 1407 |    0 |     0 |  812 |  3288 |
| 1408 |    0 |     0 |  234 |   651 |
| 1409 |    0 |     0 |  161 |   450 |
| 1410 |    0 |     0 | 1168 |  3825 |
| 1411 |    0 |     0 |  279 |   658 |
| NULL |   90 |  1185 | 9877 | 41346 |
12 rows in set (0.62 sec)
[4 Nov 2005 11:57] Lu Tao
Oracle supports
select substr(z01_04,1,4) s,count(distinct substr(z01_04,1,6))
    xian,count(distinct substr(z01_04,1,9)) xiang ,count(distinct z01_04)
    cun,count(z01_04) qy from j601 where rownum<=100 group by substr(z01_04,1,4);
but MySQL must
select substr(z01_04,1,4) s,count(distinct substr(z01_04,1,6))
    xian,count(distinct substr(z01_04,1,9)) xiang ,count(distinct z01_04)
    cun,count(z01_04) qy from j601 where rownum<=100 group by s;
which one obey theSQL standard?
[4 Nov 2005 13:04] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for a bug report. Verified on data similar to yours on Linux and latest 5.0.16-BK build (ChangeSet@1.1957.1.18, 2005-11-03 20:29:21+02:00, jani@ua141d10.elisa.omakaista.fi):

[openxs@Fedora 5.0]$ bin/mysql -uroot
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 11 to server version: 5.0.16

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql> use test;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed
mysql> CREATE TABLE `j1` (
    ->   `z01_04` varchar(12) default ''
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0,00 sec)

mysql> insert into j1 values ('140303005202'), ('140482002206'), ('140226109200'), ('140206005205'),  ('140822101212');
Query OK, 5 rows affected (0,00 sec)
Records: 5  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> insert into j1 select * from j1;
Query OK, 5 rows affected (0,00 sec)
Records: 5  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> insert into j1 select * from j1;
Query OK, 20480 rows affected (0,23 sec)
Records: 20480  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> select count(*) from j1;
| count(*) |
|    40960 |
1 row in set (0,00 sec)

mysql> select substring(z01_04,1,4) s, count(distinct substring(z01_04,1,6)) xian,
    -> count(distinct substring(z01_04,1,9)) xiang,
    -> ccount(distinct z01_04) cun, count(z01_04) qy
    -> from j1 group by s;
| s    | xian | xiang | cun | qy    |
| 1402 |    2 |     2 |   2 | 16384 |
| 1403 |    1 |     1 |   1 |  8192 |
| 1404 |    1 |     1 |   1 |  8192 |
| 1408 |    1 |     1 |   1 |  8192 |
4 rows in set (0,79 sec)

mysql> select substring(z01_04,1,4) s, count(distinct substring(z01_04,1,6)) xian, count(distinct substring(z01_04,1,9)) xiang, count(distinct z01_04) cun, count(z01_04) qy from j1 group by s with rollup;
| s    | xian | xiang | cun | qy    |
| 1402 |    0 |     0 |   2 | 16384 |
| 1403 |    0 |     0 |   1 |  8192 |
| 1404 |    0 |     0 |   1 |  8192 |
| 1408 |    0 |     0 |   1 |  8192 |
| NULL |    5 |     5 |   5 | 40960 |
5 rows in set (1,23 sec)

It really looks like a bug. May be related to a fix made for http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=12887.

As for your last question (Oracle or MySQL, that requires alias in group by, is closer to standard) - I should check, but my personal oppinion is that Oracle is far from any standards but its own. And even in Oracle using column alias should work too.
[7 Mar 2006 5:03] Lu Tao
The bug isn't fixed in ver 5.1.7

mysql> select substring(z01_04,1,4) s, count(distinct substring(z01_04,1,6)) xia
n,count(distinct substring(z01_04,1,9)) xiang,count(distinct z01_04) cun, count(
z01_04) qy from j1 group by s;
| s    | xian | xiang | cun | qy |
| 1402 |    2 |     2 |   2 |  2 |
| 1403 |    1 |     1 |   1 |  1 |
| 1404 |    1 |     1 |   1 |  1 |
| 1408 |    1 |     1 |   1 |  1 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select substring(z01_04,1,4) s, count(distinct substring(z01_04,1,6)) xia
n,count(distinct substring(z01_04,1,9)) xiang,count(distinct z01_04) cun, count(
z01_04) qy from j1 group by s with rollup;
| s    | xian | xiang | cun | qy |
| 1402 |    0 |     0 |   2 |  2 |
| 1403 |    0 |     0 |   1 |  1 |
| 1404 |    0 |     0 |   1 |  1 |
| 1408 |    0 |     0 |   1 |  1 |
| NULL |    5 |     5 |   5 |  5 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
[7 Mar 2006 5:05] Lu Tao
and if we don't use "distinct", the answer is right
mysql> select substring(z01_04,1,4) s, count( substring(z01_04,1,6)) xian,count(
 substring(z01_04,1,9)) xiang,count( z01_04) cun, count(z01_04) qy from j1 group
 by s;
| s    | xian | xiang | cun | qy |
| 1402 |    2 |     2 |   2 |  2 |
| 1403 |    1 |     1 |   1 |  1 |
| 1404 |    1 |     1 |   1 |  1 |
| 1408 |    1 |     1 |   1 |  1 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select substring(z01_04,1,4) s, count( substring(z01_04,1,6)) xian,count(
 substring(z01_04,1,9)) xiang,count( z01_04) cun, count(z01_04) qy from j1 group
 by s with rollup;
| s    | xian | xiang | cun | qy |
| 1402 |    2 |     2 |   2 |  2 |
| 1403 |    1 |     1 |   1 |  1 |
| 1404 |    1 |     1 |   1 |  1 |
| 1408 |    1 |     1 |   1 |  1 |
| NULL |    5 |     5 |   5 |  5 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
[31 Oct 2006 10:51] Georgi Kodinov
I failed to repeat the problem with mysql version 5.0.27 and 5.1.13 :
CREATE TABLE j1 (z01_04 varchar(12));
insert into j1 values ('140303005202'), ('140482002206'),
('140226109200'), ('140206005205'),  ('140822101212');
insert into j1 select * from j1;
insert into j1 select * from j1;
insert into j1 select * from j1;
insert into j1 select * from j1;
insert into j1 select * from j1;
insert into j1 select * from j1;
insert into j1 select * from j1;
insert into j1 select * from j1;
insert into j1 select * from j1;
insert into j1 select * from j1;
insert into j1 select * from j1;
insert into j1 select * from j1;
insert into j1 select * from j1;
select count(*) from j1;
substring(z01_04,1,4) s, 
count(distinct substring(z01_04,1,6)) xian,
count(distinct substring(z01_04,1,9)) xiang,
count(distinct z01_04) cun, 
count(z01_04) qy
from j1 group by s;
s     xian    xiang   cun     qy
1402  2       2       2       16384
1403  1       1       1       8192
1404  1       1       1       8192
1408  1       1       1       8192
substring(z01_04,1,4) s, 
count(distinct substring(z01_04,1,6)) xian, 
count(distinct substring(z01_04,1,9)) xiang, 
count(distinct z01_04) cun,
count(z01_04) qy 
from j1 group by s with rollup;
s     xian    xiang   cun     qy
1402  2       2       2       16384
1403  1       1       1       8192
1404  1       1       1       8192
1408  1       1       1       8192
NULL  5       5       5       40960
[2 Nov 2006 6:53] Lu Tao
it's a bug which was found in 5.1.7
i also cannot repeat it in 5.0.22 and 5.1.11
maybe someone fixed it in earlier version
[2 Nov 2006 7:02] Lu Tao
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>cd C:\LT_C\mysql51\bin

C:\LT_C\mysql51\bin>mysql -u root
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 1 to server version: 5.1.7-beta-community

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql> use test
Database changed
mysql> CREATE TABLE `j1` (
    ->  `z01_04` varchar(12) default ''
    ->  );

ERROR 1050 (42S01): Table 'j1' already exists

mysql> select * from j1;
| z01_04       |
| 140303005202 |
| 140482002206 |
| 140226109200 |
| 140206005205 |
| 140822101212 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select substring(z01_04,1,4) s, count(distinct substring(z01_04,1,6))
    -> xian, count(distinct substring(z01_04,1,9)) xiang, count(distinct z01_04)
    -> count(z01_04) qy from j1 group by s with rollup;
| s    | xian | xiang | cun | qy |
| 1402 |    0 |     0 |   2 |  2 |
| 1403 |    0 |     0 |   1 |  1 |
| 1404 |    0 |     0 |   1 |  1 |
| 1408 |    0 |     0 |   1 |  1 |
| NULL |    5 |     5 |   5 |  5 |
5 rows in set (0.03 sec)

mysql> select substring(z01_04,1,4) s, count(distinct substring(z01_04,1,6)) xia
    -> count(distinct substring(z01_04,1,9)) xiang,count(distinct z01_04) cun, c
ount(z01_04) qy
    -> from j1 group by s;
| s    | xian | xiang | cun | qy |
| 1402 |    2 |     2 |   2 |  2 |
| 1403 |    1 |     1 |   1 |  1 |
| 1404 |    1 |     1 |   1 |  1 |
| 1408 |    1 |     1 |   1 |  1 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

by the way, where can download 5.1.13?
[2 Nov 2006 8:46] Georgi Kodinov
> by the way, where can download 5.1.13?

I was referring to the source trees from BitKeeper.