Bug #14501 | transaction-isolation level is ignored in my.cnf if specified before ansi | ||
Submitted: | 31 Oct 2005 4:40 | Modified: | 3 Nov 2005 13:27 |
Reporter: | James Dennis | Email Updates: | |
Status: | Not a Bug | Impact on me: | |
Category: | MySQL Server | Severity: | S3 (Non-critical) |
Version: | 5.0.15 | OS: | Linux (Linux 2.6.9-22.ELsmp SMP x86_64) |
Assigned to: | CPU Architecture: | Any |
[31 Oct 2005 4:40]
James Dennis
[3 Nov 2005 13:27]
Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for a problem report. Though, it looks like not a bug, but intended behaviour for me. Options are read line by line, and applied in the same order. The manual clearly states the following (http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/ansi-mode.html): "Running the server in ANSI mode is the same as starting it with these options (specify the --sql_mode value on a single line): --transaction-isolation=SERIALIZABLE --sql-mode=REAL_AS_FLOAT,PIPES_AS_CONCAT,ANSI_QUOTES,IGNORE_SPACE" So, it explicitely changes the isolation level. So, if you place "ansi" after any previous isolation level setting, it will be overloaded. And vice versa, just as you demonstrated.
[4 Dec 2017 13:27]
Mordechai Danielov
we don't use "ansi" but try to set transaction-isolation = READ-UNCOMMITTED on a replication slave and it's also ignored
[9 Mar 2019 1:54]
Yary Lucian
I'm seeing the same in MySQL 5.5, my.cnf has transaction-isolation=READ-COMMITTED transaction_isolation=READ-COMMITTED but after restarting, show variables like '%_isolation' ; still returns 'tx_isolation', 'REPEATABLE-READ'
[9 Mar 2019 20:49]
Yary Lucian
Turns out that MySQLWorkbench is changing tx_isolation to REPEATABLE-READ when it starts- thus was hiding any changes I made in my.conf. When I queried using the command-line "mysql" client, or using "mysqladmin variables|grep txn_isolation" I see that READ-COMITTED is properly in place.